You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 374

Cold Petunia froze.


Ye Xingbei is right.

She looks at Ye Xingbei, because ye Xingbei is too beautiful, and ye Xingli loves Ye Xingbei too much.

Most of the time, she will feel that Ye Xing is much better than Ye Xing North.

She was jealous, unwilling, angry, resentful.

But just as ye Xingbei said, ye Xingbei already has a gold Lord. She is a woman of other men. She can't be separated from ye Xingbei any more. Why does she still hate Ye Xingbei?

She didn't understand why, but she knew that the person she hated most was Ye Xingbei.

Every time I see ye Xingbei, she will be envied, and her internal organs will feel terrible.

If you give her an Aladdin lamp, her first wish is to let Ye Xingbei disappear from the world in the most miserable way.

She stares at Ye Xingbei viciously. If you don't have to pay for your life, she will kill the fox spirit!

The leaf star north wears the resentment in her eyes, scornful sneer a.

In this world, there are people who don't know what to call.

It has nothing to do with her whether others live a good life or not, but she is biased against others.

It's pathetic and ridiculous.

Leng peini was angered by Ye Xingbei's quiet and graceful posture, and asked in an angry voice: "Ye Xingbei, what are you laughing at?"

What she hates most is the appearance of Ye Xingbei.

Mingming was born more humble than her. Mingming was just a lost dog, but she never looked humble and embarrassed. She always acted like a princess, calm and elegant, which set her off as a small family.

Every time she stands in front of Ye Xing's north, she has no self-confidence at all. She feels that she has become a servant girl by Ye Xing's north.

Ye Xingbei took back the smile from the corner of her lips, put it close to her ear, and asked softly, "Leng peini, the chocolate in my handbag, did you replace it?"

Leng peini was stunned, her pupils suddenly tightened, and she almost screamed out: "Ye Xingbei, what are you talking about? You dare to slander me! I won't let you go! "

"So scared, guilty?" Ye Xingbei sneered, "Leng peini, do you think that if you change the chocolate in my handbag unconsciously, no one will know that you made it if no one sees it?"

Leng peini grabs Ye Xingbei's chest clothes fiercely. Her fingertips turn white and her body trembles slightly: "Ye Xingbei, I warn you, don't talk! If your random guess leads to a conflict between ah Li and me, I will not let you go even if I am a ghost! "

Ye Xingbei looked at her hand and said with a smile, "Leng peini, since you are so nervous about Li Ge, and Li Ge loves me most, you should love me more and please Li Ge. I really don't know how long your brain is. Instead of making friends with me and getting Li Ge's favor, you want to get rid of me quickly! Leng peini, a vicious person like you is not qualified to be my brother's wife! "

Leng peini grabs Ye Xingbei's chest clothes, pushes her against the wall, stares at her and says: "Ye Xingbei, I warn you, don't go to a Li and talk nonsense! If you dare to talk nonsense and destroy the feelings between me and ah Li, I will ruin your reputation even if I give up my life

Ye Xingbei picks an eyebrow, disdains low smile, "Leng peini, you are not curious, why can I know the chocolate in my handbag, is it you replace?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!