You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 364

Yexingbei gas accumulation.

This rascal!

She doesn't want to ask, just suffocate him.

Also lie for a while, toss and turn hard to sleep, estimate tonight don't ask the answer, suffocate is not Gu Jun Zhuo that goods, but herself.

Think about it, anyway, he has taken too much advantage, lice is not afraid to bite, and it's nothing to take it again!

To do a good job of psychological construction, ye Xingbei climbed up to Gu Jun, and kissed him on his throat knot, and called out: "fifth master..."

Gu Jun slipped by the Adam's apple. Except for something standing at attention immediately, his bones were all crisp.

Gu Jun pinched her face, and her voice was a little dumb: "they say you are the light of the stars, noble and holy. It's time for those people to say you are elegant and holy. Look at your small appearance now!"

It's not worth your life to hook the dead!

Ye Xingbei's tender white index finger gradually slipped down his eyebrows, cheeks and lips, fell on his Adam's apple, gently rubbed, and his voice was sweet and soft: "Mr. Gu, you need to know what it means to take it when it's good! It's not good to play too much! "

She opened her hand, pinched his neck, instantly changed her face and bit him fiercely: "be honest! If you threaten me again, I don't mind murdering my husband! "

"Murder your husband?" Gu Junzhu couldn't help laughing and shaking: "I like this word! Murdering my husband is also my husband! As long as it's my husband! "

Ye Xingbei Go away

Gu Wu Ye was very comfortable. He pinched her back neck and comforted the fox who was about to be teased by him. "The person who changed your chocolate is Leng peini!"

Although he is psychologically prepared, he is one of Shi Xiling and Leng peini. Ye Xingbei still can't help but feel uncomfortable again.

She has always kept away from Shi Xiling and Leng peini.

The two of them bullied her, and she never dared to resist. Whether it was ridicule or humiliation, she endured pain and humiliation.

Who let her parents not hurt, homeless, dependent on others?

She has tried every means to give in, but why does Leng peini still refuse to let her go, or even kill her?

What deep hatred between them can make Leng peini even do something to kill her?

Seeing her look bitter and astringent, Gu Jun held her tightly one by one, and rubbed her cheek with the other hand. "Have you been psychologically prepared for that? Why are you still sad? "

"I just don't understand," Ye Xingbei shakes his head and grins bitterly. "Leng peini and I have neither the hatred of killing our father nor the hatred of seizing our husband. Why does Leng peini want to kill me?"

"Probably because of the low cost of crime," Gu Jun said casually, stroking her smooth skin and enjoying the soft and greasy hand: "she changed your chocolate. It's just a small matter. Even if you really die of hypoglycemia and someone finds out that she changed the chocolate, she won't be punished by any law, because there is no law to replace chock It's a crime to force people to die. Even if you die, you can only blame yourself. "

"What's more, it's hard to find out such trifles as changing a few chocolates! If you succeed, she will not accept any punishment if you die. If you fail, she will not lose. She hates you. There is such a way that no matter whether you live or die, it will not damage her interests. Why doesn't she try it? "

"But..." Ye Xingbei said bitterly: "I have no hatred for her. I'm afraid that brother LAN and brother Li are hard to do in the middle. I've always kept a distance from her and Shi Xiling. I dare not offend them at all. How can they..."

Ye Xingbei's heart is bitter, and he doesn't want to talk about it any more. , the fastest update of the webnovel!