You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 360

"Good boy Gu Jun touched his little head and took his little hand. "Go, dad has a gift for you and your little brother Yue."

"Wow! A gift? " Little fellow star eye: "I like presents best! Dad, you are the best

He rushed into Gu junzhuo's arms again, used both hands and feet, and tried his best to climb to Gu junzhuo.

Gu Jun with a smile, bent over to pick him up, in his tender tofu like face, forced to kiss: "smelly boy, how can you be so attractive? Well

"The little tree is not the smelly boy!" Xiao Shumiao held his face and protested, "Xiao Shuai is a fragrant boy. He takes a bath with shower gel every day. It's fragrant. Dad, you smell it!"

The little guy hands his paw to Gu junzhuo's nose to let him smell.

Gu Junzhu grabbed his little wrist, sniffed hard and narrowed his eyes, "eh? Isn't this roast pig's hoof? It's really fragrant! Dad, take a bite! "

the little guy was so happy that he pounded his little arms and legs," no, no! It's not roast pig's feet! The roast pig's hoof is red, and the tree's hand is white

Ye Xingbei put the fruit tray on the tea table with a smile, and said with a smile: "don't make trouble, eat fruit."

"Don't make any noise," Gu Jun gave the little guy a kiss and put him on the sofa, "eat the fruit and see the presents!"

The little guy's big eyes flashed excitedly, "where's the gift? What about the gifts? "

Gu Jun pointed to the two delicate big boxes on the tea table, "there!"

The little guy jumps off the sofa, grabs Ling Yue's hand and drags Ling Yue to the two big boxes: "brother Xiaoyue, come on, let's open the presents together!"

Ling Yue nodded and they opened the box together.

The little guy's eyes opened wider, and the big black eyes twinkled with surprise, "Wow! How beautiful

Each of the two large boxes contained a large glass bottle.

The bottle on the left is filled with little golden pigs the size of walnuts. The shape of

as like as two peas in the capital, which are all the same as piglets, are piglets.

In the bottle on the right, the small things are like the one on the full and curved moon bought by Ling Yue, one big and one small, holding hands.

No matter big pig, little pig or moon and little doll, they are all very delicate, lifelike and charming, which makes people love them.

The little guy's eyes lit up, opened the glass cap, poured out the big piggy and the little piggy, "one, two, three, four, five Five

He poured out the moon dolls one by one: "one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight Eight

Gu Junzhu took him to his lap and asked with a smile, "do you know what it means?"

"I know!" "Xiaoshu is five years old, Xiaoyue is eight years old, so Xiaoshu has five little pigs, Xiaoyue has eight little dolls!"

"How clever!" Gu Jun pinched his tender face: "after you and your little brother grow one year old, your father will send you and your little brother a pig and a baby. Will you put them in your bowl?"

"Good!" The little guy was so excited that his face turned red and he clapped his hands in joy.

Ling Yue looked at the eight moon dolls on the tea table, and her eyes turned red unconsciously. , the fastest update of the webnovel!