You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 339

He didn't believe her, but he couldn't do anything about her.

His wife is his grandmother's only daughter. His wife died to save him. He owes her a life.

Grandma won't let him take Ling Yue. He can't rob him.

No way, he can only go back to Jiangcheng alone.

Time flies. Six years later, it's time for Xiaoyue to go to school.

He went back to the town in high spirits and took Xiaoyue to Jiangcheng for school.

Grandma knew that the teaching staff in the small town was not as good as Jiangcheng. For the sake of Xiaoyue's future, grandma agreed.

But Xiaoyue didn't stay long in Jiangcheng, so he went back to the town alone.

When he finished the closed task and went home, Xiaoyue disappeared. Xie Wennan cried with a sad face, saying that Xiaoyue was eccentric and unsociable, fighting with the surrounding children and school classmates.

She did a stepmother's education, the child was angry, he ran back home.

It's more than 300 kilometers from Jiangcheng to Xiaoyue. Up to now, he doesn't know how Xiaoyue, a six-year-old boy, came home.

At that time, he just felt afraid.

What if Xiaoyue gets lost on her way home?

If his son is lost, how can he stand up to his wife and Xiaoyue's grandmother?

Xiaoyue can't integrate into the new environment, new school and new life. He has no choice but to let Xiaoyue stay in the small town.

Later, when grandma died, he couldn't let Xiaoyue live alone in the town. He took Xiaoyue back home.

In order to accompany Xiaoyue, he asked the courtyard for a month's leave.

He has never asked for such a long time off since he worked. For the sake of his son, he is willing to put aside the work as important as his life.

He grew up young and beautiful, and was well educated by his grandmother, smart and polite, clean, clever and sensible.

Xie Wennan is also very good to Xiaoyue. She makes delicious food for Xiaoyue in different ways every day. She talks to Xiaoyue in a soft voice, gentle and smiling, which is better than her own twins.

A month later, Xiaoyue integrated into the new school, new home and new environment. He was relieved, took on a new task and went back to the scientific research institute.

This task is a national A-level confidential task, and no scientific research personnel are allowed to contact the outside world.

He has been away for more than a year.

He knew that Xie Wennan was not easy. During the research period, he could not contact the outside world. He asked the hospital to put all the money he earned on Xie Wennan's card every month.

He also applied for a long vacation. At the end of this mission, he went home to accompany his wife and children and compensate Xie Wennan.

But who knows, when he comes back, his son is gone again.

After listening to the reason, he went to take care of his family and wanted to take his son back, but what he saw was a medical examination sheet with serious malnutrition!

He once complained that his grandmother misunderstood Xie Wennan and had prejudice against Xie Wennan.

Until today, he knew that grandma was the one with the most clear eyes.

The blind man, the fool and the idiot all the time are the smart man he claims to be!

He stares at Xie Wennan, his fists clenched, his eyes bloodshot, and his whole body trembles, like staring at a mortal enemy.

Xie Wennan was startled by his stare. He could not help stepping back a few steps. "What's the matter with you, elder martial brother?"

"Xie Wennan..." Ling Fangzhou called her with her surname and threw the physical examination sheet in his face. "Explain to him, what's the matter?"

Although the physical examination sheet is not heavy, Ling Fangzhou threw it on Xie Wennan's face. The thin corner of it scratched Xie Wennan's face. After a stab, it left a shallow blood mark.

Xie Wennan raised his hand to cover his face and stared at Ling Fangzhou in shock, "elder martial brother, are you crazy?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!