You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 334

Little guy immediately nervous to see Ling Yue, "little brother Yue, don't go, OK? Xiaoshu likes you. Xiaoshu wants to play and go to school with you. Xiaoshu doesn't want you to go home. Your stepmother bullies you. They are not good! "

Ling Yue hesitated and looked at Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei: "will you add trouble to uncle and aunt?"

"No," Ye Xingbei touched his head and said gently, "if your father can take good care of you, your aunt doesn't object to you and your father going home, but if your father is still like before, he won't go home for half a year, and your aunt doesn't want you to go back."

Ling Fangzhou's work is special. His work is basically confidential.

For a project, the closure period is as short as March and may, and as long as one and a half years.

During this period, Ling Fangzhou was totally closed, and it was impossible for him to go home.

If Ling Fangzhou doesn't go home, Ling Yue will follow his stepmother.

Ling Yue's stepmother's children are seriously malnourished, and Ling Fangzhou can't make any effort.

Ling Fangzhou is not by Ling Yue's side. Ling Yue's stepmother has too many ways to grind Ling Yue. She doesn't even need to beat and scold, so she can discard Ling Yue's provisions.

Ling Yue is a good child. Ye Xingbei and Ling Yue have a relationship now. She hopes Ling Yue can get good care instead of going back to her cold home.

Ling lowered his head and said in a soft voice, "if it won't cause trouble to my uncle and aunt, I'd like to stay."

"Don't think too much!" Gu Jun touched his head. "From today on, you are my apprentice. Now that you are my apprentice, I'll raise you young and you'll raise me old in the future. It's natural that no one will trouble anyone."

"Well!" Ling Yue nodded and looked up at him, "uncle, when I grow up and have the ability, I will treat you and Auntie and saplings well! "

" don't call me uncle, call me master instead, "Gu Junzhu said." I wanted to choose a good day, and then find some witnesses to hold a formal ceremony of recognizing teachers. I didn't expect your father to come. In this case, let's simplify everything. "

When he officially recognized his apprentice, he had the courage to fight with Ling Fangzhou.

Ling more Leng next, suddenly think of him recognize the old man do grandfather, Gu Jun Zhuo let him do things.

He suddenly knelt on the ground, kowtowed three times to Gu Junzhu and called "Shifu", and kowtowed three times to Ye Xingbei and called "Shimu".

“……” Ye Xingbei blushed.

Why do you think "teacher's mother" is a shame?

Is it because she's too young?

Gu Junzhu took off his watch and handed it to Ling Yue

I didn't prepare anything specially. I can't get anything that Ling Yue can use. I can only make it up later.

Ling Yue took it with both hands and kowtowed, "thank you, master!"

Ye Xingbei didn't bring anything. He touched Ling Yue's head and said, "I'll make up for my present."

Ling Yue quickly shook his head, "no, ma'am."

"Use of," Ye Xingbei smile to help him get up, help him pat his knee, "can't let our family small more white kowtow?"

Xiaoshumiao hugged Lingyue, looked up at Lingyue, flashed his eyes, "brother Xiaoyue, am I going to call you elder martial brother in the future?"

Ling Yue nodded, "Hmm!"

"Brother Xiaoyue!" The saplings were so fresh that they called out: "brother Xiaoyue! Brother Xiaoyue! Brother Xiaoyue

Ling looked down at him with warm eyes.

In this way, he doesn't have to go back to the cold home he hates, does he? , the fastest update of the webnovel!