You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 330

The little guy likes cats and dogs from a very young age. He wants to raise a dog, which is ruthlessly suppressed by Ye Xingbei.

He has asthma, the doctor said, it is best to try to contact less hairy things.

Every time he gets sick, ye Xingbei will be scared half of his life by him.

The doctor's words, ye Xingbei has always been regarded as an imperial edict.

"I don't think it's a problem!" Gu Jun rubbed the little guy's head and said, "before you didn't let your children eat anything, now you can't eat everything?"

Ye Xingbei

All right.

Facts speak louder than words.

But she is still a little uneasy: "in case of allergy how to do?"

"How do you know if you don't try? You can't stop eating because you're choking, "Gu said slowly." let Qingrun follow you. What's the big deal

"Yes The little guy cheered, hugged Gu Junzhu's neck, and "tweeted" a few times, "Dad is the best! Dad is the best! Xiaoshu and Xiaoyue are going to have little dogs! "

“……” Ye Xingbei's molars.

She is always a bad person, and Gu Jun is always a good person. No wonder her son is getting closer to the goods now!

Gu Junzhu patted the little guy's face and looked at Ye Xingbei with a smile. "Honey, your mother is jealous."

The little guy looked back at Ye Xingbei, turned around and jumped on her, and also "tweeted" her a few mouthfuls, "mother is good, little tree loves mother most!"

Ye Xingbei grinned and pinched his face, "you little spirit!"

The little guy put his arms around her neck and said, "shall we buy a little dog now? Mom, I really want a little dog. Can I buy it now? Mom, you are the best, you are the best

No one can resist Ye Xingbei's coquetry. Ye Xingbei will soon surrender.

She looked at Gu Junzhu and said, "do you have time?"

Gu Jun nodded and took out his mobile phone. "I remember Bangzi's elder brother had a comrade in arms who raised a dog in Jiangcheng after he retired. I called Bangzi and asked his elder brother's friends to choose the best one."

"Choose two!" The little guy pounced on him and stretched out two fingers: "a little tree, a little brother!"

He stopped, changed his mind, and added a finger: "three three, Dad, let's choose three! One little tree, one little brother and one mother! "

Gu Jun heartbroken: "where's dad?"

"The dog wants to protect Xiaoshu and Xiaoyue, brother and mother," the little guy looked at Gu Junzhu and said, "Dad is so powerful. He doesn't need the dog's protection!"

His big black eyes are shining at Gu Junzhu, full of admiration and worship.

Gu Jun one by one heart soft in a mess, doting on the rubbing of his head.

Mobile phone connected, Gu Junzhu and Chu Dingbang chat a few words, Chu Dingbang a promise.

Gu Junzhu hung up the phone a few minutes later, Chu Dingbang called back and told him that he had made an agreement. He sent an address to him on his mobile phone and could go to see the dog at any time.

When he hung up again, sapling's big black eyes looked at him expectantly, "Dad, Dad, when can I pick a dog?"

Gu Jun rubbed his head. "Now I can go and change clothes with my mother."

"Ouch, pick the dog!" The little guy jumped from the sofa to the ground, happily held up his hands and ran around the living room. Finally, he rushed to Ling Yue and held his hand. "Brother Yue, come on, change clothes! Change your clothes and pick the dog! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!