You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 318

Even if the house is small, the food is poor, and the life is poor, at least her legs and face are good.

At least there won't be so many people pointing at her, saying that she was vicious at a young age!

It's all because of Xie Mo Tong.

They were all hurt by Xie Mo Tong.

She would like to eat Xie Mo Tong raw, Xie Mo Tong also pushed down the escalator, let her taste the taste of disfigurement broken legs.

Xie Mo Tong didn't expect that Xie Yumo would give her up in front of old man Xie. He shook his head hard and said, "no, no, I don't, Mo Mo, don't talk nonsense. I didn't say that, I didn't say that!"

"You said you said you said you said!" Xie Yumo looked madly at master Xie and cried desperately: "she said, she said, she said! Grandfather, she said! She's the one who did this to me. I hate her, I hate her, I hate her

Xie left Ye Xingbei ward, Xie Yunlin and Xie Jinfei also followed out.

Last night, they didn't go back all night. They stayed in the escort room next door all night.

Today I see ye Xingbei safe and sound, they should also go to see Xie Yumo with Xie Laozi.

It was, after all, their uncle's cousin.

Although she wants to harm their sister, they can no longer regard her as a cousin, but thanks to the old man, the basic face work still needs to be done.

So, they follow behind Xie and come to Xie Yumo's room.

They are very glad to hear Xie Yumo's accusation. They have followed him.

If they don't follow, they don't know. There's something like that.

Xie Yunlin took a few steps forward, looked at Xie Mo Tong and said sarcastically, "Xie Mo Tong, let me guess. You repeatedly told Mo Mo that she didn't have to break the law to kill people who occupied your family. In fact, you mean me and Xiao Fei?"

Xie Yunlin looked at Xie Mo Tong's eyes and sneered: "have you imagined many times in your mind that Xie Yumo is holding a knife. When Xiaofei and I are unprepared, we will cut each other in our hearts. Xiaofei and I will die. Xie Yumo has a reputation of killing people. You don't have to do anything. When we die, you will become the most righteous successor of the Xie family ?”

"Snake and scorpion heart!" Xie Jinfei spat hard at Xie Mo Tong.

Xie Yunlin looked at Xie Mo Tong coldly and continued: "you think very well, but you didn't expect that Xie Yumo is still young, and she can't understand what an heir is. What she hates most is not that we two cousins still love her, but that she" takes away the north of her jewelry! "

"So, she didn't wipe the dagger into my heart and Xiaofei's heart as you wish, but hurt Beibei standing by the escalator!"

Xie Yunlin looked at Xie Mo Tong with a sneer, "Xie Mo Tong, see me and Xiao Fei standing here, intact, are you particularly sorry?"

"No, it's not like this, it's not like this..." Xie Mo Tong shakes his head and retreats, "I didn't say anything, I didn't say anything, I didn't I didn't... "

She said.

But how dare she admit it?

even as like as two peas in her mind, Xie Yunlin guessed.

The people she wants Xie Yumo to kill are Xie Yunlin and Xie Jinfei.

She even dreamed that Xie Yumo took a dagger and wiped their necks one by one while Xie Yunlin and Xie Jinfei were unprepared. , the fastest update of the webnovel!