You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 313

"No, no!" Xiao Shumiao shook his head hard, grasped Ling Yue's hand, and said seriously: "bad guys want to catch Xiao Yue's brother, and Xiao Yue's brother should hide well, and can't be caught by bad guys!"

Master Xiang was stunned and turned to see Master Xie: "brother Xie, how did you think of catching my grandson? Is it hard for elder brother Xie to see that my grandson has good aptitude and is kuailingyu. He wants to compete with me for his grandson? "

Master Xie was confused: "your grandson? When did you have grandchildren? "

He and Xiang are always in laws.

His eldest daughter Xie Meiwei married Mr. Xie's son Xiang jiechao and gave birth to Xiang Bingzi.

Xiang jiechao is the only son of master Xiang.

Xiang Bingzi is also Xiang jiechao's only daughter.

Where did Mr. Xiang get his grandson?

Is it illegitimate?

Lao Xiang is not so careless.

He has a deep affection for his first wife, and he can't forget it. He doesn't even care about his wife now. How can he go out for a picnic?

"What do you think?" Looking at Xie's eyes, Xiang knew that he didn't think of anything good. He said happily, "yesterday I went out to relax and just met Xiao Zhuo. I fell in love with Ling Yue, so I recognized him as a dry grandson. Today I heard that something happened to my dry grandson, so I rushed to have a look. Come, Xiao Yue, come to my grandfather."

Ling Yue gently pushed away the sapling, walked out from behind Gu Jun, came to Mr. Xiang, lowered his head and whispered: "grandfather."

Master Xiang touched his head and said, "good!"

Mr. Xie looks at Ling Yue and Mr. Xiang. He suddenly understands why Mr. Xiang suddenly appears here!

This is to find out that Ling Yue pushed his granddaughter down the stairs. For fear of being embarrassed by him, Ling Yue came to the hospital to support him!

Mr. Xie pointed to Mr. Xiang and couldn't laugh or cry. "You old man, you are still playing tricks with me. You, you are..."

Master Xiang touched Ling Yue's head and said with a smile, "I'm in love with your child. Since the child calls me grandfather, I have to protect him. How about brother Xie? For my sake, forgive the child once? I apologize for him. I will teach him well in the future

He said apology, but there was no guilt on his face.

He didn't think Ling Yue was wrong. Instead, he appreciated Ling Yue's courage, blood and loyalty.

He didn't think much of master Xie's big fight against an eight year old.

It's his granddaughter who didn't teach him well. He was cruel and cruel when he was young. Ling Yue, however, paid too much attention to his feelings and avenged Ye Xingbei.

This kind of child with clear-cut gratitude and resentment, courage and blood is what he appreciates and likes.

He's happy. He's right.

What you say to apologize is just a step down for Mr. Xie.

Before he spoke at the door, he had been standing at the door for a while, but the room was noisy and no one saw him.

He made a guess at the situation just now.

Old man Xie wants to rely on the old man to sell the old man. He presses Gu Jun one by one and takes him away as his grandson. Unexpectedly, Gu Jun refuses to let go of him, which makes him in a dilemma.

He suddenly opened his mouth just to find a step for Mr. Xie.

Master Xie has been an old fox all his life. Naturally, he can see this. , the fastest update of the webnovel!