You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 311

His status, go out at least one class escort.

The guard ordered me to stop. Hula rushed forward to rob people.

Gu Jun chuckled and lifted his hand carelessly.

Gu's bodyguards immediately surrounded Gu Junzhu, Gu Chi, Xiao Shumiao, Lingyue and ye Xingbei in the middle.

Old man Xie couldn't believe what he saw in front of his eyes. His forehead was full of anger. He said, "Gu Junzhu, do you really dare to fight with me?"

"What uncle Xie said is that you want to bully others. I have no choice but to fight. Otherwise, if everyone is good, I will do something bad and have to fight with others by myself?" Gu Jun gently raised one side of his lips, seemingly careless. His beautiful face was covered with a layer of coldness. The beauty was dazzling, and the cold heart was cold.

Master Xie had never seen Gu Junzhu like this before. He was stunned for a moment.

Gu Jun's face was so beautiful that it was pleasing to the eye, even a little casual, but it made him feel cold on his back and hairy in his heart.

He has a feeling.

If you really do it, unless all the family members in the room, including Gu Junzhu, are dead, he can take the child away.

But how dare he let Gu Jun die?

He made a big fight, just want to let Gu Junzhu see his determination, and then retreat, take the initiative to give the child to him.

How dare he fight Gu Jun?

Gu Jun one by one small generation and his big fight, spread out of course not pleasant to hear.

Can he a elder, and Gu Jun one by one younger generation hands on, isn't it nice to hear?

The small ones came, the old ones came.

If Gu junzhui had any problems, would he have to fight with him?

He didn't dare to fight Gu Jun, but Gu Jun refused to give him face and asked him to take the child away. What should he do next?

The scene suddenly froze, and the atmosphere in the room was tense and depressing.

Suddenly, a burst of hearty laughter came from the door, "Yo, brother Xie, are you here too? We haven't seen each other for a while. What a coincidence

Mr. Xie looked back.

Mr. Xiang is standing at the door of the ward, looking at him with a smile through his guard and the bodyguard who confronts him.

Master Xie's face was very hot, and his white face turned red.

Although he, Xiang and Gu are in the same position now, he and Xiang used to be the aides of Gu in those days.

Both he and Xiang were promoted by Gu.

It can be said that without Mr. Gu, there would be no him and Mr. Xiang today.

Today, it's such a coincidence that he confronts Gu Junzhu here, and even let master Xiang catch up with him.

In the eyes of master Xiang, it's his elder who bullies Gu Jun one by one.

If this matter spreads, can it be heard well?

Fortunately, master Xiang is his in laws, otherwise he would have to dig a hole to bury himself.

He eased the expression on his face, and also laughed happily at Xiang, "yes, it's a coincidence that my granddaughter is injured. I've come to see my granddaughter."

Looking at his bodyguards and bodyguards, Mr. Xiang said with a meaningful smile, "I don't think the atmosphere is very good. How can it be a bit of a tug of war? Elder brother Xie, we are old and angry. It's time to change our temper , the fastest update of the webnovel!