You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 309

He stares at master Xie's eyes. His eyes are as beautiful as glass, but he has a chill in his heart. "Whoever bullies us, I will beat them to death! If you are not as tall or as strong as them, use your head! As long as they are willing to use their brains, even if they are 40 or 50 years old, I can still beat them so that they will be afraid when they see me, and they will hide when they see me! "

"So, no one taught me. I learned from the book. That's what the book says. Only if you beat him hard and scared him, he would run away from you and never dare to provoke you again! I'm going to beat Xie Yumo so hard that he won't dare bully mother Xiaoshu any more

Mr. Xie looked at the seven or eight year old child in front of him, and he was stunned.

He remembers that ye Xingbei seems to have said that this child, who looks like six or seven years old, is only eight years old this year.

Eight years old!

Eight years old!

Eight year old children are so eloquent, so clear in thinking, and so insidious in means.

If the child can be brought up well, he must be a talent when he grows up.

But if it goes wrong, it must be a disaster!

In other words, the child has now been raised askew.

We'll see if we can make it right again.

"Good!" He nodded and looked at Gu Junzhu: "I just think what the child said is true. Mo Mo's face has nothing to do with you and Beibei. But I have to take this child back and put it beside you. I don't worry."

"I won't give it!" Xiaoshumiao is holding Lingyue. Xiaoshuer's face is wrinkled into a bun. I'm very fierce. Don't annoy me. "Xiaoyue's brother belongs to my family, and Xiaoshu won't give it to anyone!"

Gu Jun chuckled, "Uncle Xie, do you hear me? If I don't release my son, I can't help it. Would you like to discuss with sapling? "

"No one will discuss it!" The little guy held Ling Yue in his arms and jumped straight: "great grandfather is a bad man! I Want to Go Home! Mom, the tree is going home, it's going home! "

He cried hoarse yesterday. Even after taking medicine and sleeping all night, his voice was still hoarse.

He pulled a small voice to shout, shout of all break a voice, leaf Star North heartache of don't work, hurriedly coax him: "small tree good, too grandfather and you joke, your small more elder brother is our family, too grandfather won't want you small more elder brother!"

Xiao Shumiao grabs Ling Yue's hand and drags Ling Yue to Gu Junzhu's back. He also pushes Gu Chi to Gu Junzhu's side. He and Ling Yue hide behind Gu Junzhu and Gu Chi, and grabs Gu Junzhu's clothes with their small hands. "Dad, stop the bad guys, don't let the bad guys grab Xiao Yue's brother!"

Gu Junzhu was entrusted with an important task, nodded with a smile, "don't worry, your mother is right, too grandfather and you are joking, your little brother Yue is yours, no one and you rob!"

Master Xie lowered his face, "Xiao Zhu, the child is not sensible. You can't follow him. The child has grown crooked. I'll take him with me and teach him well in the future."

Gu Jun looked up and down at him with a smile: "Uncle Xie, I didn't say that you are so old, it's not good to have no self-knowledge! You see what your children teach, the younger you are, the more you have to be supported! "

"What happened to my child?" Master Xie glared: "aren't Yunlin and Xiaofei raised by me? What's wrong with them? "

Gu Jun said: "Uncle Xie, you are so good at sticking gold on your face! Yunlin and Xiaofei are both seven or eight years old when they come to you. When they were three years old, their character was almost fixed! Let's not look at Xie Yunlin and Xie Jinfei. Let's look at Xie Mo Tong and Xie Yumo, who grew up beside you from birth. Look at your good granddaughters Don't I have to say anything more? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!