You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 304

Whether it's Xie Mo Tong, the eldest daughter, or Xie Yu Mo, the youngest daughter, it's a piece of meat that falls from her heart.

Seeing her little daughter's face destroyed, her marriage for the rest of her life was also destroyed. She wanted to cut all the people who had harmed her daughter to pieces.

She completely lost the temperament and demeanor of a famous lady in the past. She was as crazy as before, holding the bodyguard of the family and kicking and beating.

She was making a lot of noise. Behind her, there came a solemn voice: "what's the matter? Isn't that humiliating enough? "

Qin Huilan shakes her body and looks back to see that it's Mr. Xie. As if she saw a savior, she turns around and pours in front of Mr. Xie. "Putong" kneels down at his feet and tears her heart and lungs.

"Dad! Dad! You have to make the decision for Mo Mo! " Qin Huilan holds the ground with one hand, grabs the clothes on her chest with the other hand, and sobs: "Dad! Mo Mo's face is destroyed. The rest of Mo Mo's life is over! Dad, Momo is your granddaughter. You can't ignore her. You must take revenge for her! Otherwise, any one of us can abuse it. Who knows that the next one is not Tong Tong? Dad... "

"All right!" Old man Xie's face was not good, and he said, "is it nice to kneel here? Not afraid of other people's jokes? I have something to say

Although this is a senior cadre ward with few patients, doctors and nurses come and go.

Kneeling in the corridor, crying noisily, Qin Huilan is heartbroken and can't care to be shameful, but old man Xie is still shameful!

Last night, Xie Wenhui called him and told him what happened in the shopping mall.

From Xie Wenhui's mouth, it is natural that he is partial to his daughter.

It's Xie Yumo who deliberately pushes Ye Xingbei down the escalator. In Xie Wenhui's mouth, Xie Yumo accidentally bumps Ye Xingbei down the escalator while jumping and playing.

Xie Wenhui's understatement of Xie Yumo's pushing Ye Xingbei down the escalator describes Ling Yue's deliberately pushing Xie Yumo down the escalator as Gu Jun's bullying, instigating Ling Yue to bully their family.

Xie Wenhui has his own selfish heart.

He hoped that because of this, the old man would pity the miserable life of their family and let them return to the Xie family.

Ever since he moved out of the Xie family, he has been getting worse and worse.

We can't spend money lavishly. We don't dare to go to high-end consumption places. Even our former friends don't dare to see us for fear of being laughed at by others.

I used to live in a big villa, with luxury cars in and out, and a dozen servants at home. I eat a dozen dishes every day and what I want to eat.

But when they moved out of the house, they had to rent a house and hire a servant. The food they cooked was terrible and they couldn't eat.

He wanted to change a servant, but Qin Huilan refused.

Qin Huilan said that both of them have lost their jobs and can't make ends meet. Every cent of their family's money is less. Both of their daughters are still in school. There are places to spend money everywhere, so they can only live frugally.

Qin Huilan even asked him to find a job!

He can't carry his shoulders or his hands. He was born to be a rich young master. What kind of job can he find?

In the past, in Xie's family, he only took money and didn't work.

But now, their family is driven out by their old man. Where else can he go to find something that only takes money but doesn't work?

In a word, since their family was expelled from their home, life is getting worse day by day. , the fastest update of the webnovel!