You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 298

If Xie Yumo leaves a scar on his face, it will be a problem to get married later.

Fracture, scar on face.

Xie Wenhui and Qin Huilan have already guessed these two points.

Xie Wenhui was relieved. Thank goodness, his daughter is not worried about her life.

But Qin Huilan gnashes her teeth and wants to tear up Ling Yue.

She's a woman, and no one knows better than her how important looks are to women.

At that time, if it wasn't for her being the most outstanding and beautiful, how could Xie Wenhui fall in love with her at first sight?

She is a girl from an ordinary family. How can she get married to a rich family?

Her eldest daughter grows up with Xie Wenhui, and her appearance is only pretty.

Her little daughter is with her, long Shuiling beautiful.

She also thought that when her little daughter grew up, she would open her eyes wide and help her little daughter find a good family.

If her little daughter could marry a man more powerful than Gu Junzhu, who would dare to bully her in the future?

But if her little daughter's face is destroyed, it will be a problem whether she can find a better man to marry, not to mention a man who is more powerful than Gu Junzhu.

After all, good men have good conditions. If you can't find a woman, why do you have to find someone with a scar on his face?

Qin Huilan shivered and almost broke her teeth. She glared at Ling Yue and wanted to scratch his face.

Gu Chi stepped forward and stood in front of Ling Yue, blocking Qin Huilan's eyes.

Qin Huilan glared at him maliciously, took back her eyes, held Xie Wenhui's hand, and pinched Xie Wenhui's hand in pain.

Xie Wenhui frowned and looked down at her, "what's the matter with you? Isn't Mo OK? "

"Nothing? What is nothing? " Qin Huilan growled: "didn't you listen to President Li? There may be scars on Mo Mo's face! If there is a scar on Mo Mo's face, how can I get married when I grow up? "

Xie Wenhui comforted her, "don't think about it. Didn't Dean Li say that? Now beauty scar removal technology is very mature, later take foam to beauty hospital to do scar removal operation on the line, certainly can recover! "

Qin Huilan doubts: "can you?"

"Why not?" Xie Wenhui said, "don't worry. You just scratch your face. How much does it weigh? I'm sure it will be cured! "

Ling Yue stood behind Gu Chi, eyes drooping, looking at the ground, dark long eyelashes, covered the cold anger in his eyes.

Can it be cured?


How can she be cured?

She was so vicious that she almost killed Xiaoshu's mother and made Xiaoshu lose her mother like him.

Such a vicious villain doesn't deserve a good face.

She only has an ugly face, let people see her, you know, she is a vicious ugly person!

More than half an hour later, ye Xingbei and Xie Yumo were pushed out of the emergency room and placed in the senior cadre ward.

President Li saw that the situation of the two families was not right, and arranged two wards for the two families, one in the East and one in the West.

The senior cadre wards are all on the same floor.

These two wards, as far as senior cadre wards are concerned, are the farthest apart.

These two families, one is Gu Lao's son, the other is Xie Lao's son. They are both people who can make the capital tremble by stamping their feet. He can't afford to offend any of them!

Ye Xingbei was pushed into the ward, but he didn't wake up because of concussion.

Young tree seedlings sleepy eyes can't open, small head straight point, also won't sleep, insist on Guarding mother.

Gu Junzhu didn't feel sleepy. He held him in his arms and accompanied him.

Ling Yue stood behind them, quietly looking at the saplings.

Gu Chi called him to go to bed. He said nothing but shook his head.

Late at night, at three o'clock, Ling Yue quietly left the ward.

Gu Chi sent two bodyguards to him to guard outside the door. Seeing him leave the ward, he immediately followed him.

Ling Yue looked back at them, eyes dark and deep: "I want to do something, you don't follow me."

Dear ones, come and guess what we are doing in Xiaoyue ~

this is the last watch today! Parents remember to vote for yunyun's recommendation ticket, which is available every day. It will be invalid if you don't need it that day!

What's more, yunyun wrote this story because he saw that there was a very bad child in the report who had done something extremely evil, but had evaded punishment because he was young. Yunyun wanted to say that people are doing it, and heaven is watching it. Good and evil will be rewarded. The law can't punish people like that. Fate can! Yunyun firmly believes that good people will be rewarded!

Yunyun love you, see you tomorrow, MEDA! 】 , the fastest update of the webnovel!