You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 296

Xie Yunlin and Xie Jinfei looked at each other, and their eyes were obviously unbelievable.

They don't understand why Xie Yumo pushed their sister down the escalator.

Xie Yumo is their cousin and ye Xingbei's cousin!

She's only 13 years old!

Xie Jinfei hesitated and asked: "isn't it careless?"

"No," Gu Chi said with certainty, "I saw Xie Yumo ferociously push our young lady down the escalator. It's definitely not careless. There is monitoring in the shopping mall, so it should be very clear."

"How could that be?" Xie Jinfei looked at his sister, and then at Xie Yumo. He couldn't accept it. "It's impossible!" How could that be? Why does foam harm the north? No reason

His sister just came to the capital for a few days, and Xie Yumo did not hate, even did not say a few words.

Why did Xie Yumo harm his sister?

The escalator was so high that it was pushed down fiercely. I was not lucky and lost my life.

Xie Yumo is only 13 years old. Isn't she afraid of killing people?

"Why else?" Gu Junzhu sneered, "the legacy your mother left to Beibei!"

"What, what?" Xie Jinfei was stunned and couldn't believe, "it's just some jewelry and real estate title deeds..."

How could a 13-year-old girl kill someone for something outside her?

He could not believe this reason at all, but Xie Yunlin had already believed it.

On the escalator, Qin Huilan ran down from the escalator, fell down beside Xie Yumo and cried out: "Mo Mo! Foam

Behind her, followed by the panic of Xie Wenhui and Xie Mo Tong.

The whistle of the ambulance, from far to near.

Ye Xingbei and Xie Yumo were carried on the ambulance.

Gu Junzhu, holding the weeping and twitching sapling, told Gu Chi: "take care of Xiaoyue and let people copy the monitoring of the shopping mall."

Gu Chi nodded and took orders.

Xie Yumo pushed their young wife down the escalator. Maybe no one saw them, but Ling Yue pushed Xie Yumo down the escalator. Surely many people saw them.

Xie Yumo was seriously injured. When he rolled down the escalator, he rubbed his right face from something and made a deep cut for fear of leaving a scar.

The left leg is bending in an abnormal position. It must be broken.

Although Xie Wenhui's family was driven out of the house by him, he was his own son.

Ling Yue pushes Xie Lao's granddaughter down the escalator. If she doesn't watch closely, she is afraid that she will be taken away and suffer some hardships.

He assigned two bodyguards to watch Ling Yue in case he was taken away.

Gu Junzhu is holding the sapling, and Ling Yue follows him. He looks at the sapling and doesn't go anywhere. It's convenient for the two bodyguards to protect them together with their young master and young master.

After arriving at the hospital, ye Xingbei and Xie Yumo were pushed into the emergency room.

Qin Huilan nestles in Xie Wenhui's arms, crying all over.

Even if she is looking forward to a son, she is not so spoiled to her second daughter as she was to her eldest daughter at the beginning, but these two daughters are also the flesh that falls from her body. How can she not feel distressed?

Her heart broke when she saw that her second daughter's face had a flesh and blood opening and her left leg was bending in an abnormal posture.

She cried for a while, and her eyes fell on Ling Yue's face. Her expression suddenly became ferocious. She rushed to Ling Yue fiercely, "you little beast..."

Without waiting for her to rush to the front, Gu Chi stepped forward and stood in front of Ling Yue. , the fastest update of the webnovel!