You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 292

He wants to be strong.

If you want to be as strong as Uncle Gu, you can protect the little tree and its mother all your life.

He didn't understand a lot of what uncle Gu and grandfather Gan said, but he knew one thing very well. When he became grandfather Gan's grandson, his identity was different from before.

He can be like the son of dry grandfather and granddaughter, order dry grandfather under those people.

He will not use those people to do bad things, he will only order those people to help him protect the little tree and its mother.

He is too young to do much.

But one day, he will become as strong as the little tree father and protect the little tree and the little tree mother like the little tree father.

Who dares to point a gun at the head of the tree and its mother, he will break their necks and trample their heads!

His eyes suddenly burst out a strong anger, but when the sapling suddenly looked over, it was as calm as water.

Little sapling rolled to and fro giggling, rolled to his arms, cerebellar pouch in his chest hard arch, small buttocks pouted high, "little brother Yue, sleep in the tent, have a good time! Next time we'll sleep! "

Ling Yue raised a smile and nodded, "OK."

When he grows up and has the ability, he will buy the biggest and most beautiful tent in the world for the little tree!

The little guy was so excited that he didn't sleep at noon, and even Lingyue didn't sleep.

Enough rolling in the tent, the little guy ran out of the tent looking for water to drink.

Bodyguards dutifully in the outside guard, see him run out, Gu Chi quickly meet the past.

The little guy laughed like a sunflower, ran to him and raised his face, "brother Xiaochi, I'm thirsty."

The bodyguard behind Gu Chi immediately handed him a thermos.

Gu Chi unscrewed the lid and handed the thermos to the little guy.

The little guy handed back to Ling Yue behind him and blinked at Gu Chi, "even more!"

The bodyguard looked at it with a straight smile and handed a thermos to Gu Chi.

Gu Chi still unscrewed the lid, handed it to the little guy and rubbed his little head. "There are enough boiled water pipes, as many as you want!"

The little guy giggled and clubbed with the kettle.

Hearing the voice of the little guy, ye Xingbei wakes up from a deep sleep.

After a while, she sat up and asked Gu Junzhu, "is the little tree awake?"

"Well," Gu Jun sorted out his clothes, "you go on sleeping, I'll go and watch."

Ye Xingbei shook his head and said vaguely, "no sleep. The scenery here is so beautiful. Isn't it stupid to run here to sleep? I promised Xiao Shu to accompany him to pick fruit in the afternoon. I can't break my promise. "

She was so cute that Gu Jun couldn't help pulling people into his arms, kissing her lips, and finally rubbing the back of her head: "honey, how can you love her so much, eh?"

Ye Xingbei woke up and nodded, biting his shoulder, "Gu Junzhu, how can you be so colorful? Well

Gu Jun chuckles, "color, the nature of food! What the sage said is not a real man. There must be something wrong somewhere! "

The leaf Star North body moved back to move, dodge his hard somewhere, gnash teeth: "you have no problem!"

"Of course!" Gu Junzhu is very proud.

"Who says you're all right?" Ye Xingbei spat at him, "you are clearly too exuberant! I must have used that kind of drug too much in my last life! "

"Thank you for your praise!" Gu Jun by polite line of a gentleman, eyebrows and eyes are proud, "my wife affirmed my ability in bed, is my biggest pride as a man!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!