You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 289

Later, when Dad came back from his mission, he began to eat fish.

Thinking of Gu Junzhu, he quickly turned his face to look for Gu Junzhu's figure. It happened that Gu Junzhu caught a big fish again.

The little guy leaped three feet high happily. Like a swallow, he ran towards Gu Jun. his shining eyes were staring at the big fish on the hook, jumping and clapping.

Xie Yunlin and Xie Jinfei also catch fish one after another. The little guy takes Ling Yue's hand and picks up one here and one there. He is very busy.

More than an hour later, four people, big and small, had caught more than 20 fish.

It's almost time to make lunch. Four people stopped fishing and asked the bodyguards to deal with the fish.

The little guy stares at the four buckets, counting them one by one seriously.

After counting all of them, he ran into Gu Junzhu's arms and hugged him. Looking at Mr Xiang, Xie Yunlin and Xie Jinfei, he announced with pride: "Dad has fished eight, grandfather has fished six, uncle has fished six, uncle two has fished three, father is the first, uncle two is the last one! Dad is the best

The little guy's two short arms hugged Gu Junzhu hard, as if he was afraid that someone would rob him.

Xie Jinfei scraped his small nose: "second uncle is the last, so you don't have to shout so loudly. You are not afraid of second uncle crying."

The little guy giggled and hid his little face in Gu Junzhu's arms.

Mr. Xiang listened to the little guy's clear and pleasant laughter, and his mood was also very happy.

No wonder old people like children. This lovely child is just pistachio. Just listening to this smile with milk, one's heart will be soft.

He couldn't help looking at Ling Yue again.

He's a new dry grandson. It's good everywhere, but it's too quiet.

Just now he asked, the child is malnourished and shorter than his peers. Although he looks only six or seven years old, he is actually eight years old.

But even if he was eight years old, he was still a child, but the child was as quiet as a little old man.

It is said that the children of the poor are in charge of the family early.

That's right.

Only children who are spoiled by others are qualified to be real children.

Children like Ling Yue can only be forced to grow up quickly.

It was a good lunch at noon.

In addition to the fish that Gu Jun fished for several people, there were also wild animals that the bodyguards beat back from the mountains and vegetables that they brought home.

Ye Xingbei also took two children and picked up some nontoxic mushrooms.

The bodyguards showed their skills and made grilled fish, barbecued meat, hot pot, fried vegetables and mushroom soup, which were more abundant than what they ate at home.

The young tree takes Ling Yue's hand and looks at the oily fish and meat roasted by the bonfire, full of excitement and expectation.

It's the first time he's ever seen something baked on a campfire in real life. It's very interesting.

At dinner, everyone ate a lot.

Even Gu Junzhu, who always had a small appetite, could not help but use more.

The most popular are roast fish, roast meat and mushroom soup.

Especially mushroom soup.

These fresh mushrooms from the mountains are totally different from those sold in the supermarket. The soup is so delicious that people can't even swallow it.

The little sapling had a round stomach and couldn't eat any more. He rolled on the blanket and said, "hold on, hold on!"

Gu Jun stretched out his hand and knocked on his stomach: "it's ripe today. I'm sure I can cut it." , the fastest update of the webnovel!