You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 286

He hesitated and decided, "OK, I won't climb the mountain. I'll go fishing with you."

A word fell to the ground, doctor Lu's heart also followed to fall back to the original place, quietly rushed to Gu Jun by thumbs up, to this Gu five Ye admire of five body.

You know, no matter Xiang or Xie or Gu, they are more and more stubborn. Once they make up their mind, no one can persuade them.

I've heard for a long time that Mr. Gu didn't listen to anyone, but he only obeyed Mr. Gu Wuye.

Now it seems that Mr. Gu has the ability. Let alone Mr. Gu, Mr. Xiang is obedient when he comes to Mr. Gu!

Xiang's health care is pretty good. He took some medicine for his sudden asthma, and soon recovered as usual.

At this moment, coupled with a good mood, the spirit of the head more sufficient.

He swept the previous decadence, holding Ling Yue's little hand, one old and one small, there are questions and answers, the old man all the way laughing.

When the party returned to the stream, Gu Jun asked the bodyguard to find a fishing rod for Mr. Xiang and said to him, "Uncle Xiang, let's do it by ourselves today. What you catch belongs to your grandson, and what I catch belongs to my wife and son. If you don't want your grandson to go hungry at noon, you can work harder."

The old man Xiang suddenly got excited, rolled his arms and sleeves, and was in high spirits: "Uncle Xiang, I'm a fishing expert! How dare you fight with Uncle Xiang? Wait. If you can't catch any of them later, I'll take care of your wife and son's lunch! "

Gu Jun chuckles: "Uncle Xiang, bragging will scare the fish away!"

Master Xiang laughed and scolded: "you stinky boy, you wait. I'll take care of my grandson's biggest fish for lunch today!"

Ling Yue and Xiao Shumiao sat on a small bench, each with a small fishing rod, sitting in the middle of Gu Junzhu and Xiang Laozi.

Xiaoshumiao is next to Gu Junzhu, Lingyue is next to Xiang Laozi.

After listening to the conversation between Gu Junzhu and Xiang Laozi, xiaoshumiao came to Lingyue's ear and whispered, "brother Xiaoyue, don't be afraid. If you can't catch fish, you can give the fish to brother Xiaoyue!"

Saplings are confident.

His father is sure to catch fish!

Or a lot of, a lot of, a lot of fish!

Grandfather is sure to lose.

But it doesn't matter.

Grandfather can't catch fish, and the fish dad caught is also for brother Xiaoyue to eat!

Xiao Shumiao thinks his voice is very small, but in fact, Gu Junzhu and Xiang Laozi have heard it.

Gu Jun laughs happily.

The old man blew his beard and glared, "you little doll! Who says grandfather can't catch fish? Grandfather is a good fisherman

"Daddy is the tallest!" The young tree suddenly jumped up from the stool, straightened his waist, stood on tiptoe and raised his little arm, "Dad is so tall!"

He was so cute that several people laughed.

Ye Xingbei takes his son into his arms and kisses him with a smile. Xiaoyingying says to Mr. Xiang, "don't mind. This child just thinks his father is the best!"

Master Xiang shook his head and laughed, "tongyanwuji, you and Xiaozhu have taught this child very well. I can rest assured that you can teach me a good grandson!"

Sapling was shy with a smile. Her face was buried in Ye Xingbei's arms. She twisted her body.

Ling Yue thought he was so cute and looked at him with a smile.

This is the first time that an old man has seen him smile.

Only a look, the old man on the fierce Zheng, eyes straight looking at Ling Yue cheek shallow smile nest, heart beating. , the fastest update of the webnovel!