You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 282

He looked at the two children for a while. The more he looked, the more he liked them. He waved to the two children: "come here, come to my grandfather, let him have a good look."

The young tree twists its head to watch Gu Jun chase.

Ling Yue's mouth was tight and motionless.

Gu junzhuchong nodded.

Xie Yunlin put the saplings down from his arms.

Xiao Shumiao takes Ling Yue's hand and walks to Mr. Xiang.

The two children are very outstanding, with white skin, delicate facial features, big black eyes, water and spirit, and can't pick out any flaw.

The more you look at it, the more you like it. Touch the big one, then the small one. Look up at Gu Junzhu: "is the small one your son?"

Gu Jun nodded: "yes."

"Good!" Mr. Xiang nodded with a smile, "your father is very lucky. He has a good son, and now he has a good grandson."

Mr. Xiang and Mr. Gu are inseparable. As one of the few people who know the truth, he knows the origin of Ye Xingbei and the child, but he has no prejudice.

He knew that the child thought he was Gu Junzhu's own son.

This child is so smart. I heard that he is a little genius with excellent intelligence. When he grows up, he must be a talent.

When Gu Junzhu has his own child, this child will be a good brother. For that child, there are only advantages but no disadvantages.

He felt the sapling's face enviously and sighed again about Gu's good luck.

He looked at Ling Yue again, "where's the child?"

"This is my son's classmate," Gu Junzhu said, "his name is Lingyue. Xiaoshu was bullied by his classmate once. Fortunately, he helped him and was also a good boy."

Master Xiang laughed and touched Ling Yue's face. He said happily, "when you are so young, you will see injustice. You can help me. What I just said is right. This is a good seedling."

Ling Yue is more to his taste than soft and glutinous saplings.

His son Xiang jiechao's character is very weak, and he has no idea of what to do. Therefore, when he reaches middle age, he achieves nothing.

Ling Yue seems to be only six or seven years old. Xiang jiechao, a few decades old middle-aged man, doesn't have the strength.

He appreciated Ling Yue's fierce smell of wolf cubs.

If the child is smart and carefully cultivated, his future will be limitless.

The more he looked at it, the more he felt that the child was congenial.

He suddenly found that the child's eyes were very similar to his dead wife. The corners of his eyes were slightly raised, which was commonly known as "peach blossom eyes".

Some people say that people with "peach blossom eyes" are easy to recruit peach blossom.

People with "peach blossom eyes", whether men or women, tend to feel charming, but his wife is a very quiet and gentle woman.

The child has the same temperament as his wife.

His wife is quiet and comfortable.

The child is cold. He has a deep heart since he was young. His eyes are crystal clear. He seems to understand everything and everything.

The more he looked, the more he liked it. He patted Ling Yue's head and asked Gu Junzhu, "who else is there in this child's family?"

Gu junzhuwei pondered, then said: "the child's father is busy with work, and his mother died early. Now he has a stepmother, a stepbrother and a stepsister."

All the people who can make such achievements today are the smartest people in the world.

Gu Jun chased Liao for a few words, and master Xiang guessed that the child had a hard time at home. , the fastest update of the webnovel!