You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 261

Anyway, her father's favorite brother, her second uncle, still lives in this world.

Her two brothers, who were not related by blood, suddenly became her cousins.

These are the best news for her. What else can she care about?

Gu Jun pillow by palm, looking at the roof, leisurely asked: "Ye Xiaobei, you are not going to find ye Xinglan and ye Xingli showdown? Rush to them, clap the table, roar, ye Xinglan, ye Xingli, I know, you are my cousin! Your father is my own uncle! I'll give them a fright

Ye Xingbei rolled his eyes, "I don't like you so much! Since brother LAN and brother Li don't want to recognize me, they must have plans. I won't spoil their business! "

"For me, it doesn't make any difference whether I recognize them or not. Whether I recognize them or not has no influence on me at all."

The influential one is Shi Xiling and Leng peini.

When the truth is revealed, the person who replaced her chocolate will regret jumping off the building!

"All right." Mr. Gu's voice was very sorry.

Miss a good play of Ye Xinglan, President of the star abusing palace of Yexing University!

He really wanted to see what it was like for ye Xinglan to beg for mercy from his wife.

"Hello Ye Xingbei turned to see him, "Gu Wuye, you are so good, why don't you check something useful?"

"Didn't you say that you and my brother suspected that my parents were killed by Jiang Zhengxing, but they couldn't bring Jiang Zhengxing to justice because they couldn't find any conclusive evidence?"

"If this is true, you should quickly find out the evidence and send Jiang Zhengxing to prison. That's the real business! The real identities of brother LAN and brother Li don't matter much, right? "

"Yes Gu Jun stretched out his hand to hold her jaw, and his eyes moved, like autumn water, "honey, if I find the evidence that Jiang Zhengxing killed your father and send Jiang Zhengxing to prison, what will you do for me?"

Ye Xingbei patted off his hand and spat at him, "don't you always say that you are the best man in the world? The best man in the world, working for his wife, but also benefits? "

Working for your wife?

Gu Jun picked eyebrows one by one. He was pleased by these words and was full of fighting spirit!

He pinched Ye Xingbei's chin hard: "Ye Xiaobei, you wait. I will help you find the evidence that Jiang Zhengxing killed your parents, send him to prison and avenge your parents. It will be my bride price to marry you!"

In the night, his voice sounds like charming string music, like the whispers between sunny people, and like solemn vows, word by word, powerful percussion on Ye Xingbei's heart.

Ye Xingbei's heart beat disorderly for a few beats. He turned his back to him uneasily and said: "then you should hold on! I think my four brothers must be looking for the evidence of that year. If my brothers find it first, you will lose! "

This sentence a export, is a burst of strange feeling, swept leaf Star North heart.

Four brothers?

From today on, she is the one with four brothers connected by blood.

Before, Ye Xing always liked to hook up with her.

While enjoying this kind of brotherly company and intimacy, she was afraid of being misunderstood by others.

In the future, she can enjoy the intimacy and love, and no longer have to be afraid of gossip.

Because it was her cousin who was connected with her, the closest person to her except her biological parents and elder brother. , the fastest update of the webnovel!