You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 254

"It's OK," Chu Ding Bang waved his hand boldly, "where is this? I'm not in good shape tonight. When I'm in good shape, I'll have ten bottles and eight bottles

Ye Xingbei

So young masters of rich families can boast when they get together, right?

She didn't have much contact with men before.

In particular, I have never seen men relax in such private occasions.

She didn't know what these people were like outside. The rich and young she saw tonight were very relaxed, just like half children. They were free to say what they wanted to say and do what they wanted. They didn't wear a mask.

She looked and couldn't help smiling.

It's their common fortune to have such a group of friends who can take off their disguise and do as they please.

Chu Dingbang dried the third bottle again. The more he drank, the higher he was. He didn't need to be advised. He went to get the fourth bottle with high spirits.

Qiao jiehuo divided the remaining bottles and didn't let him drink any more.

Ye Xingbei smiles warmer.

This is a true friend.

So did her second brother's friends.

Once her second brother took her to a party.

Her second brother's friends, who had a normal relationship with her, tried their best to drink with her.

Her two brothers, two close friends, tried their best to help her two brothers stop drinking. I wish her two brothers could drink less, just drink less.

A true friend is not someone who feeds you to death, but someone who cares for your body and wants you to have enough.

Oh Now it's not the second brother, it's the fourth brother.

Thinking of Ye Xingli's depression when he fell from the second brother to the fourth brother, ye Xingbei couldn't help laughing and bending his eyes.

Gu Junzhu hugged her shoulder, put his lips to her ear and asked her, "what do you think? So happy? "

The leaf Star North stares at him, "want you to manage! Gu Junzhu, don't you think you are too broad-minded? Brother Xiu asked for my business card, and you wouldn't let me give it. You are too overbearing! "

Gu Jun looked her up and down and frowned: "Ye Xiaobei, how can you be so stupid?"

Ye Xingbei bared his teeth: "Gu Junzhu, if you attack me again, I will bite you!"

Gu Jun by hook lips bad smile, index finger fingertip point his lips: "come, bite here!"

"Go away!" Ye Xingbei spat at him: "sulfur hooligan!"

"That's a hooligan?" Gu junzhuo picks eyebrow, eyes flow, wave light, toward his somewhere Piao one eye: "let you bite here just call sulfur hooligan, OK?"

“……” Ye Xingbei fried, pinched the loin, wish to give him twist down: "Gu, Jun, Zhuo! If you want to die, say it! I will not be polite to you! "

Gu Jun Zhu said with a smile: "if it's the death method of the essence, I can consider it!"

“……” There is no time for the goods to be speechless!

And as long as you talk, take advantage of her!

Ye Xingbei is powerless. He pushes him and moves to the side. Far away from him, he hugs the pillow and turns to see his son and Ling Yue who are playing by the window.

Gu Jun by low smile, close to the past, her arms, pinched her red ears: "Ye Xiaobei, said you stupid, you do not admit it! I ask you, do you know why Jixiu wants your contact information? "

"You are stupid!" Ye Xingbei turns around and stares at him fiercely. If there are not many people here, ye Xingbei really bites him. "Brother Xiu and I are neighbors abroad. Today we meet again in the capital. Brother Xiu is happy. What's wrong with my contact information?"

"You see? You think you've been wronged for saying you're stupid! " Gu junzhutut: "Ji Xiuming is secretly in love with you! He wants your contact information to pursue you! "

Gu Junzhu looked at her and squinted dangerously: "Ye Xiaobei, do you want to leave a contact information for him to pursue you?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!