You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 250

Chu Dingbang saw the visitor and stood up to meet him, "brother Xiu."

Several other people also stood up and said hello to the visitors one after another.

Ji Xiu and several people said hello, looking at Gu Jun by smile, "five brothers are also in."

Gu Junzhu stood up and said, "sit together."

Ji Xiu is also one of the three famous generations in the capital, but he has spent more time abroad and less time at home since he was a child, not in his circle.

"No," Ji Xiu said with a smile, "I just knocked on the door when I heard my old friend's piano

He turned his head and looked at Ye Xingbei. When his original clear and warm sight fell on Ye Xingbei, he was as gentle as water.

"Brother Xiu," Ye Xingbei took the little hand of the little tree and came to Jixiu. He was slightly surprised: "do you all know each other?"

Gu Jun's thoughtful eyes swept over Ji Xiu and ye Xingbei, and suddenly remembered that Ji Xiu was ye Xinglan's classmate.

His eyes were deep. He put his arm around Ye Xingbei's shoulder and took her into his arms. His lips were slightly crooked: "yes, the capital is such a big place. It's hard for the family to work together. It's hard for them to know each other."

Ji Xiu's grandfather and Gu are old acquaintances.

Jixiu's parents divorced when he was very young.

Because it's Ji Xiu's father who is responsible for the loss, it's Ji Xiu's mother who has won the custody of Ji Xiu.

Every year, only on holidays and important festivals, Ji Xiu would return to the capital to accompany him.

Ji Xiu saw Gu Jun ring ye Xingbei into his arms, and he couldn't help frowning: "brother five and Beibei, this is..."

"We're married!" Gu Junzhu is crisp and neat: "hidden marriage! I've got a marriage certificate, but I haven't had a wedding yet. "

"Married?" Ji Xiu's eyes were wide open in disbelief, his chest hurt fiercely, and he felt suffocated.

Looking at his reaction, Gu Junzhu was more convinced of his guess. He took Ye Xing in his arms closer and said slowly: "yes, I'm married. The wedding day hasn't been decided yet. When I decide, I'll send you an invitation!"

Ji Xiu looks at Ye Xingbei and turns pale.

His family and the Ye family are neighbors.

He likes Ye Xingbei.

I like it for a long time.

But his mother doesn't like Ye Xingbei.

After his mother found that he had a good feeling for ye Xingbei, she immediately sternly warned him that it was impossible for him to agree to marry a woman with children, let him stop his fantasy, and sent him back to China, separated him from ye Xingbei.

Just now, as he passed through the corridor, he heard the familiar sound of the piano. It was like an electric current flowing through his blood. He felt numb all over.

He suddenly realized that his feelings for ye Xingbei were much deeper than he had imagined.

He and ye Xingbei can meet here by chance, which shows that he and ye Xingbei are predestined.

This time, he didn't want to miss it again.

His mother doesn't like it. It doesn't matter. He just likes it.

His mother has a strong personality. He used to see his mother repel Ye Xingbei. He was afraid that his mother would embarrass Ye Xingbei.

But now, he didn't want to escape.

After returning to China for such a long time, he never forgot Ye Xingbei and fell asleep listening to her piano music every day.

So that, just in the corridor, he instantly heard the piano sound of Ye Xingbei.

At that moment, he felt the throb of his soul.

In an instant, he decided that he would pursue Ye Xingbei.

This time, no matter who can stop him.

He must let Ye Xingbei be his wife and the woman who will accompany him forever! , the fastest update of the webnovel!