You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 235

Zhou Yun can only stop and give the hotel manager a helpless look.

No one to stop, the police can be a misunderstanding between friends.

Now that the parties have come forward, it would be inappropriate for them to pretend that it is a misunderstanding between friends.

Gu Chi naturally spoke on behalf of Gu Junzhu.

It was obvious that Gu Junzhu didn't agree to let the police go, and the hotel manager didn't dare to say anything.

He can only pray that their two young Chu Dingbang will arrive soon.

As soon as he saw that the scene was beyond his control, he immediately asked people to inform them that Er Shao was missing.

Ji Haomiao's friends know from Zhou Wenze that the woman they are teasing is Gu Junzhu's wife. They want to sneak away, but they are blocked by Gu's bodyguards and can't sneak out. They are scared to death.

They don't want to be the second one!

They are still young, not to mention being sentenced to life imprisonment, even if they are sentenced to one year or two years, their future in the latter half of their lives will be over!

Although they are all rich young masters, they are not the only one in their family.

The cake of the family is so big that it goes with each passing day. I don't know how many people are looking forward to their accident and replacing it.

Think about Xiang Bingzi, and think about the cousins waiting to fight for power at home. Their intestines are blue with regret.

If they had known that it was Gu Junzhu's woman, they shouldn't have done this kind of shit with Ji haoyao in order to please him.

Now, Ji haoyao, the future successor of Xiang family, is still a boundless business. They step into the mud and don't know how to get out.

Hearing Ji haoyao yelling and yelling, they rushed to cover his mouth and told him whose woman he was teasing.

In the middle of Ji Haomiao's scolding, Chu Wenze said that he had just molested Gu Junzhu's wife. His voice got stuck in his throat. His face was blue and white, and he didn't dare to say a word.

No one knows better than him the fate of his cousin Xiang Bingzi!

Combined with the efforts of the Xie family and the Xiang family, he failed to keep his cousin.

At one time, he thought that the descendants of people like them were born with privileges.

As long as the old man of their family is alive, they will stand up.

But after Xiang Bingzi was held fast to the prison, he knew that the old man of their family was not omnipotent.

His grandfather loved his cousin the most. After his cousin went in, the old man became old for several years overnight. He asked for help everywhere, but he didn't keep his cousin.

The reason why his cousin came to such an end was that she offended Gu Junzhu's woman.

And now, he followed his cousin's footsteps and offended Gu Junzhu's woman!

Thinking of Xiang Bingzi's end, he shivered and felt like he wanted to be incontinent.

He's not going to jail!

He's going to be the heir of Xiang family soon. He won't go to jail!

He suddenly thought of something, and his eyes lit up.

That's right.

His grandfather said that his cousin did something wrong before she was sent to prison.

His grandfather said that if his cousin didn't do anything wrong, his grandfather would save his cousin even if he risked his life!

He saw it. His cousin really committed a heinous crime.

What his cousin did made him sick.

But he didn't!

He just got drunk and molested Gu Junzhu's woman. He didn't do any other evil things.

His grandfather will keep him!

Seizing the last glimmer of hope, he took out his cell phone with trembling fingers and called his grandfather with a pale face. , the fastest update of the webnovel!