You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 213

Two people have nothing to talk about, about Gu Jun Zhuo, can say ye Xingbei in the phone and Yan Jingxue said.

In addition to her surprise, Yan Jingxue didn't give any other response. She also advised her that Gu Wuye was the most beautiful man in the capital, and she didn't suffer a loss in this matter.

Two people make do with it first. It's best if they can make do with it for a lifetime. If they can't live any longer, they will divorce.

Anyway, what ye Xingbei wants is nothing. Even if he divorces 80 times, he doesn't worry about getting married and has no loss at all.

Ye Xingbei listened to her, but she was still speechless.

She knew that she would not hear any reliable suggestions here.

The girl's heart is wider than that of the Pacific Ocean. In her mind, nothing matters except life and death.

Soon, noon arrived.

When dinner was about to begin, Yan Jingxue's second and third uncles came.

Both Yan Laoer and Yan Laosan have a son and a daughter.

Yan's son is Yan Jixue, and his daughter is Yan Chaoyu.

Yan Laosan's son is Yan Jiye and his daughter is Yan Muyu.

No matter the second or third family, they all look good. It seems that Mr. and Mrs. Yan are genetically strong.

Even though he is old, he can still see that he was a handsome young man, tall and handsome.

Looking at the photos, when she was young, Mrs. Yan was a great beauty.

Yan Jingxue looks like a collection of all the advantages of her grandparents, is the highest value of Yan family.

Yan Jingxue once said to Ye Xingbei that among the three sons of grandfather Yan, the eldest is the most similar to grandfather Yan, and she is the most similar to grandma. Therefore, among the three sons, grandfather Yan preferred her father most, and among the grandchildren, her grandfather preferred her most.

Ye Xingbei believed it before, but when he saw Yan Laoer and Yan Laosan's family today, ye Xingbei realized that it might not be the case at all.

Master Yan likes Yan Jingxue's family because they are generous and kind-hearted and filial to the elderly.

Yan Laoer and Yan Laosan's family, on the surface, also look like talented people, but after a few minutes, ye Xingbei feels uncomfortable.

Yan Laoer and Yan Laosan's family saw her as if they were enemies with deep hatred.

When eating, Yan Laoer's wife was the first to make trouble. Looking at Yan Jingxue, she said with a smile: "Xiaoxue, you are still young and don't understand that people are dangerous in this world. Your parents are gone. Your grandfather and our uncles and aunts are the closest people to you. Don't be cheated by those malicious people outside! Those people are just interested in your money and try to cheat you. You must have a few more hearts. Don't be cheated! "

When she said this, she always looked at Ye Xingbei from the corner of her eyes, with contempt on her face.

"Second aunt, can't so many delicious food stop your mouth?" Yan Jingxue looked at her with a smile and said, "I know why you don't like Beibei. It's because I made a will. If I die, all the property in my name will be given to Beibei. Won't I give you a dime?"

"Look at you, how do you talk?" Yan Laoer's wife flushed with anger and said, "Xiaoxue, I'm your second aunt. My husband is your uncle. Can I hurt you? I'm afraid you'll be cheated

Yan Jingxue sneered, "second uncle, second aunt, third uncle, third aunt, we Ming people don't talk in secret, you have no ability, but also play fat face, pretend to be rich people outside every day, now I've spent all the property that my grandfather gave you, so I come to think about the money that my parents left me..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!