You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 200

Wu Wenshi, the daughter of her second sister-in-law, is not pleased with Ye Xingbei, but she is clever. She hides behind Xie motong and doesn't say a word, which makes Xie motong a silly girl.

Well, their family will be driven out of the Xie family. Later, the Xie family will lose another room to fight for property.

Her two daughters are driven out of the Xie family. After the Xie family, ye Xingbei and Wu Wenshi are left. Wu Wenshi's value will rise immediately.

She's a smart person. How can she make such a fool?

I want to strangle her!

At the thought of being driven out of the Xie family, Qin Huilan was angry and frightened, and her men showed no mercy.

Xie Mo Tong feels that his ear is about to be pulled off. He is pulled by her mother and goes to her bedroom.

A few minutes later, she came back with the mahogany box and handed it to Mr. Xie.

Old man Xie didn't answer and looked at Xie Jinfei: "Xiaofei, check it out and see if there are few things."

Xie Jinfei immediately took the mahogany box and opened it. He checked it one by one. After checking it out, he looked up at Mr. Xie. "The house deeds are all here, and the jewelry is half short."

Old man Xie's gloomy face was even colder, and he glared at Xie Mo Tong.

Xie Mo Tong shivered and said in a trembling voice: "that half In the hands of Mo Mo.... "

Old man Xie looked at his bodyguard in a twinkling of an eye: "search Xie Yumo's room."

Xie Yumo likes those jewels very much. Now he asks people to search out those jewels in her room and return them to Xie Jinfei. He quit immediately and burst into tears. He rushed into Xie's arms and beat again and again: "grandfather, you are necrotic, you are eccentric! Those jewelry are all mine, mine! Grandma gave it to me. You are not allowed to let people take it. I am not allowed, I am not allowed! "

Old man Xie doesn't move. He doesn't look at Xie Yumo. He just looks at Xie Wenhui and Qin Huilan with a sneer.

Xie Wenhui and Qin Huilan really have a pair of good daughters!

This kind of goods, don't say to be a granddaughter for him, even if be a servant girl for him, he won't want it!

Xie Wenhui's legs and stomach turned when he was seen by master Xie. He strode over, grabbed Xie Yumo's arm and slapped her in the face. "Shut up

Now they are all going to be driven out of the house. The dead girl has no eyesight at all, and she is crying and making a lot of noise. Do you think they are not miserable enough?

Xie Yumo covered his face and was beaten.

Xie Wenhui and Qin Huilan hope for a son. When Xie Wenhui was in politics, the policy did not allow them to have children.

After Xie Wenhui went into business, the policy was liberalized, and they had a baby in a hurry. As a result, they had a daughter again.

Because of some disappointment, Xie Yumo is not very popular at home.

Even though they are not in favor, they are also the granddaughter of the Xie family. After they go out, they are flattered. Xie Wenhui and Qin Huilan never beat her, and they never treat her badly.

She was pampered for so many years and was beaten for the first time.

When she was stunned, she covered her face and looked at Xie Wenhui for a while. Suddenly, she jumped and yelled, "you hit me, I hate you, you're not my father!"

After that, she turned and ran.

Xie Wenhui trembled, pointed to Qin Huilan's nose and said, "you, your good daughter!"

Qin Huilan's face was blue and white. Looking at Mr. Xie, she begged: "Dad, Wenhui, he is your only son! Do you really want to see his wife and children separated? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!