You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 196

Xie Mo Tong's heart is not willing, red eyes said: "other people are like this! Other people's families have no grandchildren, so their property is passed on to their grandchildren. How many of them are passed on to their grandchildren? "

Mr. Xie said coldly, "Yunlin and Xiaofei are both surnamed Xie now. They are my grandchildren. I just want to pass the Xie family on to them. Don't you agree?"

"I don't agree!" Xie Mo Tong roared: "Mo Mo and I are your granddaughter and grandma's granddaughter. Everything in the Xie family should be inherited by Mo Mo and me. Why should my grandfather let Xie Yunlin and Xie Jinfei be surnamed Xie? They should be Jiang! "

"Don't you agree?" Master Xie sneered and looked at Xie Wenhui and Qin Huilan in a twinkling of an eye: "Xie Mo Tong doesn't agree. What about you?"

Xie Wenhui naturally did not agree.

He is the only son of the old man, and the Xie family should have belonged to him and his daughter.

But how could he be convinced that Xie Yunlin and Xie Jinfei should inherit the Xie family?

However, he is weak in character and has no ability to do anything.

In his early years, Mr. Xie paved the way for him to go into politics.

As a result, he made a mistake. If not for Mr. Xie, he would have been sent to prison.

Without his place in politics, he had to leave and go into business.

But he would have been poor if he hadn't been there.

If he has no ability, he will not be able to challenge master Xie.

Xie Laozi said let Xie Yunlin and Xie Jinfei inherit Xie family, although he didn't accept, but also can only bear to listen.

Qin Huilan didn't agree with him.

She is the daughter-in-law of the Xie family. Now she is not as good as Xie Yunlin and Xie Jinfei.

People who are familiar with the Xie family in Beijing all know that Xie Yunlin is the future owner of the Xie family, and many people don't take her seriously.

It is obvious that the former is more respected than the latter.

How can she give up the huge Xie family to Xie Yunlin and Xie Jinfei?

When master Xie asked them whether they were convinced, they didn't say a word.

Xie Mo Tong said what they didn't dare to say, which made them feel very happy.

If Mr. Xie feels ashamed of them, even if he can't let his daughter inherit the Xie family, he will certainly give them some compensation.

On the contrary, if Xie Mo Tong's words make the old man angry, then they can make it up, saying that the child is still young and not sensible, so that the old man doesn't have the same opinion with him.

Mr. Xie is a man who has experienced numerous storms. How can he not see what they are doing.

He sneered and looked at Xie Yumo, who was nestling beside Qin Huilan, "what about you? You think the same as your sister? "

Although Xie Yumo is only 13 years old this year, she can't carry her parents and her elder sister. She often talks about how hateful Xie Yunlin and Xie Jinfei are.

Although she is only 13 years old, she also knows that Xie Yunlin and Xie Jinfei have robbed their family of power and money.

Without Xie Yunlin and Xie Jinfei, their life would be much better than it is now.

The people she hates most are Xie Yunlin and Xie Jinfei.

Now listen to master Xie ask her, she immediately said: "grandfather, my sister and I are your granddaughter, Xie Yunlin and Xie Jinfei are outsiders, grandfather, please drive them away, my sister and I will be your heirs!"

Master Xie sneered and nodded: "good, good! I really have a good son and a pair of granddaughters! "

His eyes swept from Xie Wenhui's face one by one, and he suddenly yelled: "housekeeper!"

The old housekeeper immediately came forward and bowed slightly: "master."

Master Xie coldly ordered: "call a lawyer to come here, I want to break the father son relationship with Xie Wenhui!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!