You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 169

"Your children go to jail!" Old lady Yi roared angrily: "you beat our children like this, I will never let you go, you just wait for your children to enter the reeducation through labor center!"

"You are so funny," laughs Ye Xingbei, "your 11-year-old child beat an 8-year-old child and a 5-year-old child. You don't have to go to the reeducation through labor center. Our 8-year-old child and 5-year-old child beat your 11 year-old child, but they are going to go to the reeducation through labor center. When you become the reeducation through labor center, is your family the king?"

Old lady Yi choked speechless, covered her chest and panted.

She gasped for a long time and looked at Master Yi: "come on, call Wang Chen quickly and let Wang Chen arrest all the troublemakers! They're breaking into houses. They're robbers! Let Wang Chen take them all to prison, and let none of them go! "

Wang Chen is the favorite student of Master Yi who is the leader in Jiangcheng.

If it was in the past, Mr. Yi would call his students and ask them to send someone to help him out.

It's not right for his granddaughter to hit people.

But his granddaughter is only eleven years old. It's not against the law to kill people, let alone beat people.

The other party came several adults, broke into their home and beat their children.

As long as he calls Wang Chen and asks him to send someone to him, he will surely be able to send these people to prison.

However, he did not dare to make this call.

He beat people in officialdom. He has some ability to know people.

Every so often, their parents come to them to explain, and they are numb.

At the beginning, he didn't look at Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei seriously, just as they came to ask for money and compensation.

But at the moment, he looked carefully, and suddenly found that Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei's temperament were not ordinary people.

Especially Gu Junzhu.

Although he looks young, he has such a high-ranking manner that he can't even resist such an old man who has been in the officialdom all his life.

In the face of him, I can't help but be afraid and want to bow.

This young man is definitely not from Jiangcheng.

There is no such person in Jiangcheng.

This must be the successor of a big family in the capital, who will have such amazing momentum and elegant and noble temperament.

Master Yi has a conclusion in his heart. How dare his students send someone to arrest him?

He thought for a few turns, and his face had changed into a flattering smile: "the parents of this little classmate, it's all our fault that our family is at the wrong age. It's our fault that we spoiled our children and didn't teach them well.

It's all her fault that our family beat your children. Now that your children beat us back, it's educating her to let her know how painful it is to be beaten. In the future, she will never dare to bully others. I want to thank you for helping us educate our children. "

Old lady Yi was stunned. She stared round and raised her hand. She pointed to old man Yi. She was too angry to speak.

Her well maintained face turned purple with pig liver. She pointed to Mr. Yi's fingers and shivered: "Mr. Yi, are you crazy? Do you want to thank them for beating us like this? You, you... "

"Shut up Yi glared at her, "the parents of that little classmate are right, the children do something wrong, it's the adults who didn't educate them well! Why don't you ask Ling Ling to apologize to the two young students and promise not to bully others in the future? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!