You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 167

Ling Yue is more direct, grabs Yi Xinling's hair and slaps Yi Xinling in the face.

Yi Xinling was beaten, crying and struggling.

She is stronger than Ling Yue and Xiao Shumiao. She has also learned Taekwondo. If no one helps, Ling Yue and Xiao Shumiao are not her opponents.

But there is Gu Chi watching.

After all, Yi Xinling is only an 11-year-old girl. Gu Chi is not easy to handle.

But as long as he saw that Yi Xinling was about to get up, he stepped on Yi Xinling's wrist.

Yi Xinling's painful ankle seemed to be broken. She screamed, and the accumulated strength was removed with the scream, and she could not get up any more.

Seeing that Yi Xinling was beaten, the old man and the old lady were so distressed that they cried out.

The Yi family has several bodyguards, and the housekeeper rushes out to call them.

But the bodyguard didn't even enter the door, so he was put down on the ground by snow and couldn't move.

The housekeeper's legs softened with fright. Looking at Snow's eyes, he seemed to see the ghost.

Their bodyguards are professionals hired by the security company. One bodyguard can deal with three or five big men without any problem.

But just now this man was standing at the door of the living room, and he just stood up with the momentum of a man in charge.

The three bodyguards of their family seldom have the opportunity to show themselves. They rushed to drive people out in anger. He only felt that with a flower in front of him, all three of them were lying on the ground.

This skill Is this, is this still human?

Mr. and Mrs. Yi are looking forward to their bodyguards coming to save their lives. When they see that the three bodyguards they paid a lot of money for were thrown down on the ground by one person, rolling and screaming.

Confused, the old couple turned to see that the two children were still beating their niece. Old lady Yi went crazy and screamed, "I'll fight with you" and rushed to help her granddaughter fight.

Ye Xingbei grabs old lady Yi's wrist and stares at her coldly with dark and cold eyes: "how? Is it distressing to see your granddaughter beaten? Then why don't you think that when I see my son being beaten, I will also feel sad?

Don't you say that children are not sensible, let's not have the same opinion with them, just give money if we hurt them? We'll listen to you. We'll pay you! "

Gu Jun by lips slightly hook, cold ah, looked at Gu Chi.

Gu Chi reached into his arms, took out a black gold card and threw it on the coffee table.

Gu Junzhu looked at Mr. Yi and said, "we don't play much today, just punch the money in the card!"

Seeing the black gold card, the angry look on Mr. Yi's face immediately changed.

He used to be an official in the capital and a man of discernment.

That black gold card is the supreme card of an international bank. It has no more than 100 cards issued in the world.

The people who have that kind of bank card are all from the top families.

He also has a small background. Although he can't be ranked in the capital, when he comes to Jiangcheng, he is a detached person.

Besides, he has a student who is the head of Jiangcheng and a son-in-law who is the deputy director of the Department.

He felt that he was the local emperor of Jiangcheng. He lived happily in Jiangcheng and didn't have to be afraid of provoking people.

Therefore, after Yi Xinling made trouble at school, he didn't take it seriously.

Isn't it just children's mischief?

His granddaughter is only 11 years old, and she is still not sensible. When she grows up, she will go to school for a few more years. If she understands the truth, she will be sensible.

Now if you beat someone else's children, they come to the door to say it, just give money.

Their family has money and doesn't care about it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!