You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 160

It's just heartache.

She wanted to tear up the person who hurt her son. She slapped him hard. She couldn't get rid of her hatred even when she vomited blood.

"We really can't help it," Lin Yajing said helplessly: "Yi Xinling's grandmother said that if their children make trouble at school in the future, we don't need to take care of them. Let's give her home address to those parents who are bullied by her niece, and let them come to find her by themselves. She will personally apologize to you."

Lin Yajing said as she handed Ye Xingbei a delicate business card. "Mother Yiyang, this is the address of Yi Xinling's family. If you are really angry, you will go to them, but..."

After hesitating for a while, she said, "I heard that the head of Jiangcheng is the favorite student of grandfather Yi Xinling. You Alas... "

Half of what she said, she didn't say any more. She lowered her head and touched the little guy's head. "Ye Yiyang, Yi Xinling is not obedient. In the future, let's stay away from Yi Xinling, OK?"

The little guy nodded his head.

Lin Yajing smiles at him, looks up at Ye Xingbei, and says enviously: "Yiyang mother, you are so happy. Ye Yiyang's child is very smart and a genius. You look like you are 20 years old at most. Your son is so old. If you don't say it, I thought you were ye Yiyang's sister."

Ye Xingbei reluctantly tugs at her lip corners, not in the mood to exchange greetings with her.

Lin Yajing also saw her impatience, embarrassed smile, "I'm sorry, Yiyang mother, that child's family, even our headmaster can't cause trouble, we can only turn a blind eye, before it's not that no parents have gone to their home to find, their family is also kind words of apology, the compensation, but Yi Xinling is repeated education, she is just 11 years old No one can do anything about her. "

"Eleven years old?" Ye Xingbei frowned: "third grade, shouldn't it be nine years old?"

"Not all of them are nine years old. Some of them go to school early and some of them go to school late. Yi Xinling was not in good health when she was a child. She went to school late and only went to the first grade when she was nine years old." Lin Yajing looked at Ling Yue standing beside Ye Yiyang, and some pity flashed in her eyes: "Ling Yue went to school early. She went to the first grade when she was six years old. She is eight years old this year."

Ye Xingbei followed her eyes.

Lingyue see ye Xingbei see him, some cramped, body taut tightly, looking at Ye Xingbei say hello: "good aunt."

"Well behaved," Ye Xingbei put away his anger and anxiety in his heart and said kindly, "thank you for helping Xiaoshu."

"You're welcome," Ling Yue said politely, with her pretty face taut. "Xiao Shu is my deskmate. I like him. We should help each other."

"Yes The little guy grabs Ling Yue's hand and looks proud: "Mom, brother Xiaoyue is my best friend. Brother Xiaoyue helps me and I will help brother Xiaoyue in the future. We are brothers of life and death!"

Brother of life and death?

Leaf star north corner of the mouth smoked.

I wonder if Gu Qingrun can cure her son's misuse of words?

She can see that her son likes Ling Yue very much and is proud of having Ling Yue as a friend.

In Z country, her son has been living in seclusion. There are no children of the same age around him, and he didn't go to kindergarten.

Her son never had a friend.

In the past, she always thought that she took good care of her son.

After coming to Jiangcheng, she found that she did take good care of her son's life in the past, but ignored her son's spiritual world. , the fastest update of the webnovel!