You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 146

Gu Junzhu said: "in order to force him, Xiang Bingzi hit his brother seriously. In order to raise medical expenses for his brother, his father worked day and night to make money, and suddenly died of cerebral hemorrhage. His mother ran away with valuable things at home and even sold the house before leaving.

When she sold the house, she said she was raising medical expenses for her son. In fact, she eloped with her husband with the money. "

Ye Xingbei was stunned: "is there such a cruel mother in the world?"

Gu Junzhu said: "every group has good people and bad people. Generally speaking, the greatest person in the world is mother, but not every mother is as great as you!"

"Right, right, right, mom is the greatest!" he said

Ye Xingbei


Just as Gu Jun was talking about the child's tragic experience, he forgot to cover her son's ears.

Her son is too precocious to be allowed to hear all this mess.

But now, her son has heard all about it, and it's too late for her to regret it.

She could only knead her son's head and said, "little tree, those words that my father just said should not be listened to by children. After a while, you will forget them all, OK?"

The little guy was confused for a while and nodded: "OK, mom, I'll try my best!"

The teacher only taught them how to remember something quickly.

But I never taught them how to forget.

How can he forget what his father just said?

The little guy turned the mosquito coil in his clean and clear eyes.

Gu Junzhu looked at them and felt that they were just two living treasures. He did nothing. Looking at them, he laughed.

Ye Xingbei gave him a push and glared at him: "what are you laughing at? Other people's children are still kneeling outside. Why don't you go down and have a look? "

Gu Jun coughed and said, "Ye Xiaobei, your brain is not working well and your eyes are not working well! How can a handsome, graceful and cool man like me be related to the word "silly"? I think you should recite Xinhua dictionary when you go back! "



High cold?

Ye Xing flies to the north with a white eye Ha ha

Give him a cold, hehe, ye Xingbei opens the door and gets off.

She did resent Luo Fengming.

Think Luo Fengming is the culprit, lead her to Xiang Bingzi, let Xiang Bingzi almost cut her seriously.

However, just after listening to Gu Junzhu's story, ye Xingbei's resentment towards him is almost gone.

She remembers that Gu Junzhu said that the boy was only 16 years old.

A 16-year-old child whose father died and whose mother ran away with her lover with her family property.

My mother sold all the houses at home, and my brother was still waiting for money to save his life in the hospital.

What can he do if he doesn't lie on the ice?

Unless he can fly away, regardless of his brother.

But he didn't.

He chose to stay and was tortured by Xiang Bingzi in order to get some money from Xiang Bingzi and pay his brother's medical expenses.

To his brother's heart, ye Xingbei is willing to forgive him.

She went to Luo Fengming and leaned over to help him: "the ground is cold. Don't kneel."

Luo Fengming looked up at her, but didn't get up. Instead, he fell on the ground and kowtowed her three times before standing up.

Moonlight shining on his beautiful face, full of tears, in the bright moonlight, flashing faint light, "Gu Shao madam, I'm sorry!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!