You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 140

His elder brother gave him a hard lecture.

After hanging up the phone, he was worried and depressed. He grabbed a bottle of wine on the tea table and poured it down in one breath.

He overestimated his drinking.

He fainted after a bottle of wine.

Later, he did not remember how he sent Xiang Bingzi to the hospital.

When he wakes up again, he is lying on the bed of his villa, with the same naked Jiang Siyou lying beside him.

When Jiang Siyou woke up and saw him, he grabbed a blanket and screamed.

Then he bowed his head and wept silently, saying that what happened last night was voluntary, not forced by Xie Jinfei.

Xie Jinfei was confused for a while and felt it carefully. He was very sure that he had been sleeping soundly all night last night and absolutely did nothing to Jiang Siyou.

But even if he didn't do anything to Jiang Siyou, two people just lie together, he should also be responsible for Jiang Siyou.

He has a good feeling for Jiang Siyou.

Jiang Siyou is a famous beauty in Jiangcheng, otherwise Xinggong would not sign her.

Moreover, Jiang Si's long life is in line with his aesthetics.

When they were young, they had a good relationship.

Later, when they grew up, they knew that Jiang Zhengxing might be the murderer of their father. They not only hated Jiang Zhengxing, but also their children.

At that time, he was estranged from Jiang Siyou.

Now he knows that Jiang Siyou is not Jiang Zhengxing's daughter.

Just Jiang Zhengxing's adopted daughter.

In Xie Jinfei's opinion, Jiang Siyou is also a poor girl.

It's the victim.

I don't know where Jiang Zhengxing came from. I left my parents and recognized Jiang Zhengxing as my father.

He pities Jiang Siyou, and he has always been fond of Jiang Siyou. Now he coaxes Jiang Siyou not to cry. Since they are sleeping together, they can try to get along for a while.

If you think they are suitable for each other, you can be a boyfriend and girlfriend.

Taking advantage of Xie Jinfei's drunkenness, Jiang Siyou climbs onto Xie Jinfei's bed, takes off two people's clothes and lies down together. What he wants is Xie Jinfei's words.

Of course, she couldn't help but agreed immediately.

Let her regret is, Xie Jinfei drink too drunk, no matter how hard she tries, Xie Jinfei that place has not responded, two people failed to have a relationship.

Listen to Xie Jinfei say to try to get along with her for a period of time, if appropriate, to be a boyfriend and girlfriend, she immediately rushed to Xie Jinfei, put her arms around Xie Jinfei's neck, tell her heart.

She told Xie Jinfei that since she was 16 years old and knew that Xie Jinfei was not her own cousin, she had always been fond of him. It was only because they were cousins in name. She didn't dare to express her feelings, so she could only secretly like him.

They had a good relationship when they were young. Xie Jinfei liked her again. Moreover, she was a beautiful woman with a good figure. She was smooth and naked. She threw herself into Xie Jinfei's arms and whispered softly. Xie Jinfei was very moved.

Two people try to contact the agreement, so settled.

Jiang Siyou is overjoyed to catch Xie Jinfei.

She immediately dragged Xie Jinfei to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get her marriage certificate, and then let people all over the world know that although she is no longer the second miss of the Jiang family, she has become the more honorable second young lady of the Xie family!

But she was out of luck.

The thing about Xiang Bingzi is full of storm.

Xie Jinfei wants to help Xiang Bingzi wipe his buttocks. He is very busy.

She called Xie Jinfei several times, Xie Jinfei said no time, she did not dare to disturb Xie Jinfei. , the fastest update of the webnovel!