You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 135

“……” Ye Xingbei turned his back to him: "sleep, sleep! When I wake up, I'll take the tree out for a walk, and I'll go out for dinner at night! "

Gu Jun rubbed her head one by one and closed her eyes contentedly: "sleep."

Every day this little girl two or three pass, refreshing, comfortable body!


"A family of three" sleep to more than three in the afternoon, saplings wake up first.

After waking up, he turned to Gu Junzhu and reached for his eyelashes.

When he moved, Gu Junzhu woke up.

Seeing him open his eyes, the little guy smiles sweetly and kisses him, "Dad, your eyelashes are long and curly, as beautiful as Barbie's eyelashes!"

Gu Junzhu

Is that a compliment?

As soon as ye Xingbei wakes up, he hears his baby son "Kua" Gu Junzhu, and immediately "poof Chi" laughs.

Gu Junzhu took her tender face and retaliated.

The little guy looked at Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei: "Dad, mom, I didn't sleep among you. Did you have a sister together?"

The man who couldn't help laughing became Gu Junzhu.

Ye Xingbei

Retribution comes so fast!

She blushed and touched her son's little face through Gu Junzhu. She blushed and said, "little tree, we won't talk about giving birth to my sister in the future. My mother will be shy!"

"Yes, we don't!" Gu Junzhu was very serious. He came to Ye Xingbei's ear and said in a voice that only they could hear: "we only do it!"

“……” Ye Xingbei twisted his son out of sight.

Gu Junzhu felt that the meat on his waist was about to be pulled down by her, and his smile still didn't stop. He picked up the little guy and gave him a kiss. "Honey, let's get up and go for a walk, or we won't be able to eat delicious food at night!"

"Good!" As soon as the little guy heard the word "delicious", his eyes lit up. He changed clothes and put on shoes with Gu Junzhu.

Put on the clothes, put on the shoes, one big and one small, go to the bathroom to wash together.

Ye Xingbei also changed her clothes. While making the bed, she walked into the bathroom to watch a large and a small talking and laughing. Her lips were always high and her mood was very happy.

The three of them, like More and more like a family.

All three washed, changed their clothes and went to the back mountain of the villa.

After I came back, I ate some fruit and drank a few water. It was almost time.

At the dinner party in the evening, ye Xinglan insisted that he be the host, and decided to stay in Jiangcheng hotel.

After changing their clothes, they rushed to Jiangcheng hotel.

After arriving at the destination, the three people got off successively.

The little guy is holding Ye Xingbei's hand in his left hand and Gu Junzhu's hand in his right hand. He walks between them. He looks very proud. I wish the whole world could see that he is eating with his parents!

Ye Xinglan's room is on the top floor, and the three enter the elevator.

When the elevator was about to close, someone reached out to stop the door.

Elevator door left and right apart, into two girls.

Leaf Star North looked one eye, tiny a Leng.

It's Jiang Siyou and Jiangling language!

Jiang Siyou and Jiangling language also saw Ye Xingbei and Gu Junzhu.

But this time, they didn't meet Ye Xingbei in Xinggong with respect and fear. , the fastest update of the webnovel!