You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 125

Pink and jade, like a jade doll, with red lips and white teeth, dark eyes, white face and red inside, he looked soft and tender, so he wanted to squeeze and hug.

Then look at Gu Junzhu, looking at the child's eyes, full of affection, and the biological father and son are no different.

So it is.

He just looked at it and his heart itched.

That child likes to rely on Gu Junzhu so much, and it's normal for Gu Junzhu to like him.

Gu Junzhu holds the little guy and returns to Ye Xingbei.

Ye Xingbei pinched the little guy's face and feigned anger: "little villain! I only miss my father, not my mother, right? "

Although she pretended to be angry, she was really sour.

After five years of hard work, she raised such a big child. Gu Junzhu had only kept the goods for a few days. In the eyes of the little villain, Gu Junzhu was the only one without her.

In her heart, she seems to have knocked over a bottle of old vinegar, which is very sour.

The little guy put his arms around her neck, gave her a kiss, and said softly, "mom has been here all the time. What if dad goes to work again?"

Ye Xingbei listened to Leng for a while, in the heart more sour.

This time the sour, not jealous, but for her son's sensible feel sad.

The child was still afraid that Gu junzhuhui would suddenly disappear, which made him very sticky.

Gu Junzhu patted his little ass, "my father retired, and will not go out on a mission in the future."

"But if you don't go on a mission, you will still be on a business trip!" The little guy's two soft hands held Gu Junzhu's face and said, "it's said in the book that mother can always accompany the tree outside the man's house and inside the woman's house. Father wants to support his family and run around outside to make money to raise the tree and his mother."

Gu Jun chuckled and pinched his face: "you little thing, how can you know so much? Then Dad promised you that if you go on a business trip in the future, you must tell the little tree that you won't sneak away. Is that ok? "

"Mm-hmm!" The little guy nodded and stretched out a little finger: "hook! It's not a dog to talk to! "

"Hook!" Gu Jun stretched out his little finger and hooked with him.

At noon, Xie Yunlin, Xie Jinfei and ye Xinglan did not leave, leaving for dinner.

With two more uncles, sapling is very happy, but for him, his favorite is his father.

He nestled up to Gu Junzhu, his eyes almost always fixed on him. He listened carefully to who Gu Junzhu talked to.

Small short hand also tried to give Gu Jun by clip vegetables, taste what delicious, quickly to Gu Jun by plate clip.

Xie Jinfei looks greedy.

The baby is so sweet and lovely that he really wants one.

Xie Yunlin looked at him staring at the little guy, and suddenly said, "Xiao Fei, you like children so much, so you should marry a wife and have one."

Also save his grandparents endless urge him to find a girlfriend, arrange his blind date.

Xie Jinfei almost spewed out the things in his mouth, swallowed them in three or two, coughed and said: "don't tease me! Brother, you are older than me. If you want to get married, you should get married first. I'm still early! "

Xie Yunlin glanced at him and said with a smile, "do you think of brother and brother now? Why didn't you let my brother take advantage of you? "

Xie Jinfei laughs and lowers his head to pick up rice.

Ye Xinglan looks at Xie Jinfei's advice and thinks of his brother Ye Xingli. He can't help but hook his lips.

is a cousin as like as two peas.

Although the two brothers look more like their mother, they still have some similarities. , the fastest update of the webnovel!