You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 120

His eldest brother is the first successor of the Xie family. He has been with his grandfather since childhood and has been taken by him to exercise.

He is weak, and his grandmother is reluctant to let him go his grandfather's way.

Grandma's family is in business, so she took him with her and taught him how to manage the family and the company.

Compared with Xie Yunlin, who has been around his grandfather for many years, he has more contact with Xiang Bingzi, Wu Wenshi and Xie motong, and has deeper feelings.

Looking at his cousin who grew up together as a child, like a dead dog, he was dragged out by the bodyguard who cared for his family. He was very unhappy.

He wanted to ask for mercy, but the picture of Xiang Bingzi's ferocious face, holding a dagger and stabbing Ye Xing to the North flashed across his mind.

When you talk, you can't say it.

People's hearts are long and crooked.

Of course, he is more partial to his own sister than his cousin.

Even after so many years, he could still remember the happy life of their family.

My parents love the three of them like pearls.

Now that his parents are gone, he and his elder brother must take good care of his sister for his parents. Only when their parents are at the bottom of the spring can they close their eyes.

Besides, he likes his sister very much.

It has been so many years, and he often dreams of his sister's appearance when she was a child. When she sees him, she smiles at him and climbs up to him.

Xiang Bingzi wants to kill her sister. If he pleads for Xiang Bingzi, her sister will be sad.

At that time, he and his elder brother were young, and they didn't help their parents look after their younger sister, which made her suffer so much.

Now that he has grown up and has the ability, how can he hurt his sister's heart for others?

A few thoughts flashed through his mind. He opened his mouth and finally swallowed what he had said.

Want to kill, originally is Xiang Bingzi wrong.

His elder brother is right. The prince's crime is the same as the common people's.

He can't plead for Xiang Bingzi.

Xiang Bingzi struggled, cried and roared desperately. She begged for mercy from Gu Jun and for help from Xie Yunlin and Xie Jinfei.

However, from beginning to end, Xie Yunlin and Xie Jinfei did not ask for her favor.

The hope in her eyes gradually faded, and all turned into deep hatred.

Xie Mo Tong is right, Xie Yunlin and Xie Jinfei are not good things!

They were originally surnamed Jiang, but they changed their surname to Xie to rob the Xie family of good things.

Funny. She used to think that having two such outstanding cousins was a matter of special face.

When Xie Mo Tong invites her to deal with Xie Yunlin and Xie Jinfei, she scoffs at Xie Mo Tong.

She should have agreed to join hands with Xie Mo Tong to drive the two beasts out of Xie's house.

But now, it's too late for her to regret.

Gu Junzhu said that she would be in prison for a lifetime.

She had no doubt of the truth of the statement.

Those bad things that she had done before were not checked, or after they were found out, they were covered by Xie family and Xiang family, so she would not do anything.

But if it is found out that Gu Jun stares at her and asks for severe punishment, the things she has done before are enough to make her stay in prison.

Her life is over.

The only thing she can hope for now is that her grandparents and grandfather will not give up on her. Instead, she would tear her face with Gu family and save her from prison.

But will her grandparents and grandfather?

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