You Are My Gravity

Chapter 812


Qin Zheng said: "Chen Mo, go, don't practice, they are right, even if I don't do anything, as long as I stand on the stage, I am the first."

Chen Mo smiles. Yes, Qin Zheng is the first. As long as he appears, he will be one.

No one can shake this point.

Who makes people popular?

Envy, envy, hum Then you can't do anything.

Before they left the practice room, a director came to tell them to clean up, go to the rehearsal, choose clothes, and prepare for make-up.

Although it's only in the afternoon now, it will take a long time to make up. Now there is not enough time.

We got there by bus.

The other groups were singing with their singing guests. During the rehearsal, Qin Zheng's team didn't move at all.

Others said that the man regretted and wanted Qin Zheng to rehearse with them.

However, Qin Zheng refused and ignored them.

If Qin Zheng doesn't move, Chen Mo will not.

Now I want to beg for mercy. Why did I go there? Although Qin Zheng can understand his mother, but Lao Tzu also has a good temper. How can I accommodate you? You're weak, you're right?

Everyone knew that there was something wrong with their team, and two tutors came to ask, but Qin Zheng refused to rehearse.

People in other groups are secretly saying bad things about Qin Zheng. Many players are thankful that they didn't join Qin Zheng team, otherwise they would be killed by him.

When the tutors were helpless, Xu Mu came.


He didn't shy away from others. He said to Qin Zheng directly, "Xiao Zheng, I found a singer for you. At that time, you will dance less and sing less. After all, your voice is not good Anyway, you don't have to rely on a few more seconds of exposure. "

Qin Zheng nodded: "OK I know! "

Qin Zheng is a little reluctant. After all, this old guy helps him, isn't it because of his mother?

However, in front of outsiders, it's hard to say what's wrong with the family.

Besides, Xu Mu is really good for him. He just It's hard to accept.

Xu Mu rubs Qin Zheng's hair: "since you decide to go on this stage, cheer up. Our children will lose at any time."

Qin Zheng did not resist, did not escape Xu Mu's hand, he nodded: "OK, I know."

"Go ahead, pay attention to your feet..."

Qin Zheng nodded: "well..."

Xu Mu called Qin Zheng again: "it's an ordinary competition. You don't have to care about the result. Anyway, you are not afraid of winning or losing. I have a lot of resources in our family."

Everyone around them is listening. When they hear Xu Mu's words, they smack their tongue one after another. Look at the words, we are not afraid to win or lose. We have more resources If it's a different person, it doesn't have the strength.

Good envy, good envy, jealousy makes my ugly face nothing but.

Everyone wants to be Qin Zheng.

After a while, Xu Mu invited Qin Zheng's helper.

This appearance, however, made the scene a sensation.

Most of the guests in other groups are popular idols. They are all women. After all, it's not tiring to work with men and women.

Young and beautiful girls, and a few handsome boys, to that station is very eye-catching ah.

However, what Xu Mu invited for Qin Zheng was a man and a heavyweight guest, He Chuan. , the fastest update of the webnovel!