You Are My Gravity

Chapter 801

Back in the ward, Zhou Ping asked Qin se, "you said Xiao Zheng is a little strange. What's the reason?"

"Look here, Ma?" Qin se lifted the quilt of Qin Zheng's feet to show his feet.

Qin se pointed to the center of Qin Zheng's left foot, which was a little black and purple, smaller than the fingernail of his thumb.

Qin se said: "Mom, I just saw Qin Zheng's forehead sweating. I was worried that he was too hot, so I lifted the quilt at his feet. I didn't expect you to see this. When I first saw it, I always felt a little speechless. I don't know if I was thinking too much, so I let you have a look..."

Zhou Ping squats down and stares at Qin Zheng's feet carefully.

That piece of black purple, edge color slightly light, the more to the middle, the deeper the color, purple around, almost completely black in the middle.

"What's the problem, mom? It's just that Xiao Zheng practices dancing a lot, so he hurt himself by accident... "

Qin se scratched his head. It seems that dancing would not hurt his feet like this. It's almost impossible to get these scars out of dancing. It's like being hurt by something.

It doesn't look serious. The black and purple area is also very small.

Zhou Ping didn't speak. She didn't bring anything.

But for now, it seems There are some problems. I have a faint evil feeling, but it's not serious.

Zhou Ping said to Qin se, "wake him up."

Qin se rushed to call Qin Zheng and patted him on the face: "boy, wake up, mom has something to ask you..."

Qin Zheng sleeps just right and doesn't want to move.

Leng was woken up by Qin Se and was very upset: "why, I'm so sleepy..."

"Sleep what sleep, wake up." Qin se reached out and twisted Qin Zheng's ear.

Qin Zheng opened his eyes in pain: "hiss, sister, what are you doing? What can't you say well? I'm still sick. Can't you be gentle with me?"

Qin se flicked his forehead: "you're not my husband. What's the use of being so gentle with you? Wake up, mom has something to ask you."

Qin Zheng rubs his forehead and props himself up: "Mom, what's the matter?"

Zhou Ping asked him, "what's the matter with the sole of your foot?"

Qin Zheng's face is muddled: "sole of foot? What's wrong with the soles of my feet? "

Qin se took out his mobile phone, took a picture of his left foot, and took it in front of him: "see for yourself."

Qin Zheng was surprised to see a little black and purple on the center of her feet in the photo: "when did this happen?"

He zoomed in and scratched his head. "I don't know when it hurt, but that's it. Should it be ok?"

Zhou Ping took out her handkerchief to wrap her hand and pressed the Black Purple: "does it hurt?"

Qin Zheng immediately fell out of her hands and cried out: "pain, ouch It hurts Why is it so painful... "

The cry of Qin Zheng wakes Chen Mo on the bed beside him. He rubs his eyes and sits up: "what's the matter?"

Chen Mo's hair is soft and messy. While his face is soft and cute, Qin se pats Gu Jingyuan's head: "it's OK. Go on sleeping..."

Zhou Ping frowned, put down her hand and asked, "did you feel the pain in your left sole before?"

Qin Zheng thought for a moment and said, "sometimes I feel something when I dance, but It's just a little bit of pain. It's not serious This time, mom, it hurts when you press it. I feel like my feet are It's all pierced. It hurts so much... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!