You Are My Gravity

Chapter 780

"Hello Who is calling at this time? " The other side's tone is very bad, probably wake up, so the mood is very bad.

Chen Mo quickly said: "Hello, I'm looking for Xu mu, teacher Xu..."

"Teacher Xu? What do you want to do with Mr. Xu? " The assistant probably thinks that it's a madman to call at this time. At this point, almost everyone is still sleeping. This point wakes people up. It's too immoral.

Chen Mo said: "sorry to disturb you at this time. I'm Chen mo. I have a very urgent matter with Mr. Xu..."

The assistant said directly, "Chen Mo, I haven't heard of it."

"I'm an idol player I really have something urgent to do with Mr. Xu... "

"What's the emergency?"

"It's about Qin Zheng. Can you do me a favor?"

"Qin Zheng?" Assistant a Leng, Qin Zheng He certainly knew, that but they Xu teacher's son smashes.

This, assistant can not be perfunctory, and quickly picked up the spirit to ask: "what happened to Qin Zheng?"

Chen Mo said quickly: "Qin has a high fever all night, now people are confused about it..."

The assistant climbed down from the bed and said, "let's find the program director and send them to the hospital."

Chen Mo cried anxiously, and the little director urged him to ask for a mobile phone.

"It's no use looking for the program group. Qin Zheng has had a low fever for several days. Last night, he began to have a high fever. I went to the director of the program group and hoped to send him to the hospital quickly. But they didn't agree. They just asked the doctor to give Qin Zheng an anti fever injection. At more than two o'clock in the night, the anti fever injection really pushed the fever down, but now it's burning again It's mainly the directors of the program group who don't agree to send Qin Zheng to the hospital at all. I argued with them for a long time yesterday, but they don't agree. But the people of Qin Zheng are already confused. If they don't send Qin Zheng to the hospital again, something big will happen If it wasn't serious, I wouldn't call Mr. Xu. "

The assistant did not dare to neglect the situation at all, but scolded in his heart. Is the program group looking for death?

He said, "I'm going to find Mr. Xu Don't worry, take good care of Qin Zheng... "

After hanging up the phone, Chen Mo ran back in a hurry and put a towel on Qin Zheng's forehead with cold water: "Qin Zheng, I've already called Mr. Xu. He is expected to come soon. You can bear it any longer..."

The assistant lives next door to Xu mu. They just returned to Kyoto an hour ago and didn't go home. In order to save time, they went directly to the hotel, which is not far from the training base.

The assistant slapped Xu Mu's door open.

Xu Mugang didn't sleep for a long time. He didn't sleep very well. When he heard the knock on the door, he soon got up.

After opening the door, Xu Mu asked, "what's the matter?"

The assistant took the mobile phone and said anxiously, "Mr. Xu, my roommate Chen Mo just called and said that something happened to Qin Zheng."

As soon as Xu Mu heard this, he became nervous, and everyone was very happy: "what happened to Qin Zheng?"

These days, he has been working in the field, focusing on the next two months.

He is thinking about finding Zhou Ping after today's public performance.

He hasn't seen anyone for several days. Xu Mu thought to himself that he was more worried about whether Zhou Ping would be strange to him if she hadn't seen him for so many days.

When he came back from abroad, he also brought many gifts to Zhou Ping. , the fastest update of the webnovel!