You Are My Gravity

Chapter 747

Xiang Qiuchi took off his medical gloves and said: "pay attention to rest. The wound is very long. It's not so easy to heal. If you move it casually, you may pull the wound. Besides, the diet is light and spicy. Don't touch the water in the wound. Change the medicine every two days..."

The policeman nodded: "OK, thank you, doctor..."

Xiang Qiuchi shook his head and said, "you're welcome. The police are injured to protect the people's personal and property safety. To say thank you, we should thank you. Only with you can the society be more stable."

This kind of very official answer is very good for Qiuchi.

Xiang Qiuchi left the ward, feeling better suddenly.

Come to the hospital to work, it seems, is not so bad.

At least he adapted very quickly.

Xiang Qiuchi walks to the nurse station and raises his hand to knock on the table.

The nurse looked up and gave him a smile.

The young nurse immediately blushed and stood up: "Dr. Gu..."

To autumn pool saw the sign on her chest: "nurse Li, please give the policeman that just sent a bottle of anti-inflammatory injection."

Nurse Li was stunned, "ah? So The patient has just been delivered. Shouldn't he be suturing the wound now? "

Xiang Qiuchi: "the wound has been sewn up. Let's go."

Nurse Li's eyes almost fell out: "you Did you give it to me? "

"Yes, what's the matter?"

Nurse Li shook her head quickly: "no, no I'm going to... "

"Hard work."

"No, no, no hard, no hard..."

To leave Qiuchi, nurse Li quickly picked up her mobile phone and sent a voice in the group, telling everyone that the speed of the new doctor Gu's suture is fast. Maybe they are really talented.

Some people in the group immediately said that what's the use of fast sewing depends on whether the sewing is good or not. It's not as simple as sewing clothes.

Nurse Li didn't return to them. She rushed to give the injured police an anti-inflammatory injection.

After she went, she specially asked the police who came with the injured police. The other side praised Qiuchi fiercely in front of her.

After nurse Li went back, she immediately said in the group: # the doctor Gu has strong professional ability. He sews the wound very hard, fast and well. The two policemen are full of praise, saying that doctor Gu is the fastest suture doctor he has ever seen in our hospital #

other doctors and nurses answered.

#Just now, I said that people would muddle through the back door. I didn't expect to be beaten in the face so soon. I have the ability and support. I have a feeling that this will be the boss of our Huikang hospital in the future. The key is that he is still so handsome. No way. I think I'm going to fall in love with him Look at President Gu and his cousin Gu Zhixin. They are more handsome than each other. They are envious and jealous Hate and jealousy made me ugly.

when Xiang Qiuchi returned to the office, nothing happened for a while. Bored, he went to Gu Zhixin.

He knocked on the door of Qiuchi and went in directly.

At that time, Gu Zhixin was skinning Zhen bao'er's grapes and feeding them to her one by one.

As soon as Xiang Qiuchi went in, he immediately felt the sour gas of love. He chose to cover his nose.


brother Xiang: Gu Zhixin and his wife are dog abusers!

Good night, mm-hmm, and the monthly ticket, ha ha ha , the fastest update of the webnovel!