You Are My Gravity

Chapter 738

A wild girl from the countryside, now, even can fly on the branch.

I can't breathe when I think about it.

However, the most hateful thing is that she doesn't have any say in this marriage, which doesn't match no matter how she looks at it, and she has to say yes against her will.

Gu huaizhang laughed a little schadenfreude.

At the critical moment, she didn't still accept advice and cooperate with him honestly.

Zhou Ping smile: "that is to say, you are also very satisfied with my daughter?"

Lin Yuexian smiles far fetched, she nods: "of course satisfied, Mrs. Zhou, you teach your daughter so well, how can I not be satisfied, I am not bad eyes, you can rest assured, after your daughter married Jingyuan, I will certainly treat her as his own daughter."

I'm not satisfied at all. Pooh, my own daughter. I don't have such a daughter.

Lin Yuexian looked at Qin Se and felt disgusted.

How can there be such a nuisance to her at the end of the day.

Lin Yuexian thinks insidiously that in a few years, when Zhou Ping dies, no one will support Qin se. Jing Yuan is also tired of her. At that time, she must clean her up.

Zhou Ping asked Gu huaizhang to sit down. She turned and asked Lin Yuexian, "what does Mrs. Gu think? It's a terrible sight, isn't it What harm are you thinking about? "

Lin Yuexian shivered and shook her head: "of course not. How can I think of something harmful..."

Zhou Ping smiles gently: "is that right? It seems that I'm wrong. I'm a person with professional habits. When I look at people, I can always see what she thinks subconsciously. Next time, if Mrs. Gu thinks of any more harmful ideas, she'd better not be in front of me. "

Lin Yuexian's mouth twitched, scolding Zhou Ping's ancestors in her heart, but she said: "really not really, I just thought, when is the wedding date of Jingyuan and Qin se? We might as well make it while today is good."

Gu huaizhang said quickly, "what I'm saying is, what I'm saying is, when will the wedding be There is no one more suitable for this date than you

He didn't specifically help Lin Yuexian, but he was afraid that Lin Yuexian would affect him.

His son is so concerned about the marriage promotion today that he can't go wrong in the middle of it.

Zhou Ping looked at Gu Jingyuan: "Jingyuan, what do you think? I think you should have already thought about it in your heart?"

Gu Jingyuan said with a smile: "I've thought about it for a few days, but I'd like to ask you to make up your mind. After all, you are the authority if you choose the auspicious day..."

Gu Jingyuan took out a pamphlet again, "look at the good days in the last two or three months."

When Lin Yuexian saw Gu Jingyuan face Zhou Ping, she looked respectful and respectful. Even if she was a son, she might not be able to do so. She was so angry.

This is her own son.

Gu huaizhang had been looking at Lin Yuexian, and her face was almost out of control. He immediately put his hand on her arm and gave her a severe twist.

Lin Yuexian almost didn't scream in pain, but the occasion was wrong, so she had to bear it.

Gu huaizhang: what are you doing?

Gu huaizhang: don't die, or it will affect me. I'll be with you when I go back.

Lin Yuexian covers the painful part of her arm twisted by Gu huaizhang. She lowers her head and takes a breath of air conditioning. She almost doesn't cry , the fastest update of the webnovel!