You Are My Gravity

Chapter 733

He pushed the door open and got out.

Lin Yuexian scolded him in his heart and got out of the car to follow him.

As she walked, she wiped away the tears on her face. She was also afraid of being seen by Gu Jingyuan. She felt that she was discouraged and would not let her go. She turned her head and sent her away.

Who would like to live a bad life if they are used to living a good life.

As Lin Yuexian walks, she looks at the surrounding environment. She finds that some places have been modified, and the number of flowers and plants has been replaced. In this year, some old yards have been turned upside down, which seems to be a sudden change of life.


This makes Lin Yuexian more worried.

This family has really fallen into Gu Jingyuan's hands. The old lady has been sent away, and the traces of her life that she left behind will soon be wiped out by Gu Jingyuan.

If Gu Jingyuan wants to deal with her in the future, it's not how to deal with her?

Lin Yuexian felt that she was really going to die!

Gu Jingyuan valued Qin se so much that her life would be more difficult in the future.

Gu Jingyuan said that the old lady was so powerful that he was sent away. He was the old lady's grandson, and he didn't show any affection!

If she is not honest, she will be sent away soon.

It's really It's horrible.

Lin Yuexian quickly touched her face. Her tears had dried up, and she was very worried.

In the living room, the betrothal gifts have been arranged.

Gu Jingyuan sat on the sofa, holding up a cup of coffee and drinking it slowly.

Gu huaizhang came in and said with a smile, "Jingyuan, we are here. Do you want to start now?"

Gu Jingyuan raised his head: "my father came a little slowly."

Gu huaizhang shivered in his heart and complained about Lin Yuexian. It was all her. If it wasn't for her, he would have arrived long ago.

When Lin Yuexian heard Gu Jingyuan's words, she was so scared that she kept shaking.

Gu huaizhang hesitated for a second and said, "there is a traffic jam on this road, so It's a little bit delayed... "

Gu Jingyuan nodded and did not ask again.

After a while, he said, "when you get to the place, what should you say? Think about it?"

Gu huaizhang nodded: "I know. I understand that."

Gu Jingyuan swept Lin Yuexian: "mother, her eyes are red and swollen. Did you cry on the way here? Would you rather not go

Lin Yuexian's head was numb and his back was cold.

She said hastily, "no I didn't cry, it was It was when I washed my face that I accidentally poured bubbles into my eyes. The bubble is in the eyes... "

Gu huaizhang turned his mouth. If you have the ability, you say you don't want to go. BAM, when you get to your son, you're not the same.

Have the face to talk about him?

I just want to encourage him to seek death. Fortunately, he is not deceived.

He has always been a counsellor, which he will never deny and recognize himself. It's not bad.

Gu Jingyuan put down his coffee: "now that you are all ready, you can almost go."

He beckoned people to move things.

Lin Yuexian looked at the boxes and boxes of things, and the meat hurt to death.

This is not her own son at all. Gu Jingyuan is the son of the Qin family.

If you give them any money, they will be so beautiful.

As a result, Gu Jingyuan gave so much?

Lin Yuexian didn't hold back and asked, "Jingyuan, these betrothal gifts Is it a little A little bit of that? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!