You Are My Gravity

Chapter 724

Zhen bao'er was so angry that he wanted to slap him: "Gu Zhixin, you are really powerful now. If you have the ability, don't call your woman Zhen bao'er."

Gu Zhixin said: "tut This Don't motivate me... "

Zhen bao'er grabbed his collar and said, "you can do it, you say it."

Gu Zhixin: "well, I really don't have that ability. My woman, my future wife and my future child's mother are called Zhen bao'er. What's the matter? You beat me?"

Zhen bao'er's anger was broken by his cheap appearance.

Turning away from him, he couldn't help laughing.

In the final analysis, between her and Gu Zhixin, there is nothing to be angry about. They are all trivial things.

But the quarrel between young lovers is fun, from which their relationship will be improved.

"Not angry?" Gu Zhixin got close to him.

Zhen bao'er poked his head open: "OK, don't talk to me. I'm still angry. It's going to be Valentine's day in a few days. What are you going to give me? I said in advance, I am in a good mood, right to see how you behave

Gu Zhixin put his arms around Zhen bao'er's waist: "it's no fun to say it now You wait. I'll give you a surprise... "

Zhen bao'er chuckled: "OK, I'll wait..."

This time, it's the past.

However, Gu Zhixin still didn't go back to his bed to sleep. Even Zhen Baoer thought of going to sleep next to him, but he refused.

Finally, there is no way, Zhen bao'er had to follow his heart, two people lying in a bed fell asleep.

When Gu Zhixin's attending doctor arrived at dawn, the first thing he said was: why don't you change your escort!

Gu Zhixin smiles and says, "I think I need to change to another attending doctor.".


Qin Se and Zhou Ping have been wandering on the hot search for two or three days, and they are still hot.

The curiosity of netizens about them is about to burst.

Mother and sister dislike their son (younger brother) to be like this. It's so funny that they have a stomachache. When they eat, the food will come out.

In the past two days, Gao Gao's name on hot search 10 is "love Qin Zheng"

Qin Zheng's elder sister, mother and fans all shout "love didi". Today we are all Qin family!

Some quite loving fans wrote: Although my aunt and sister dislike our Qin zither didi very much, we can see that the Qin family is in a good relationship. It's true intimacy and love that makes them dare to say such words. Suddenly they understand how our lovely treasure boy Qin zither didi grew up like this. It's clearly inseparable from home The fertile soil of the court!

The words were held high.

It is the closest and best connected person in his family who dares to say such a thing.

If it's really not so good feelings, if it's not born, no one will say.

So, similarly, in fact, my aunt and sister still love us very much.

Qin se saw this and covered his stomach with a smile. This is really cute.

Yeah, that's right. They still love Qin Zheng very much

Qin se said to Zhou Ping, "Mom, we haven't got off the hot search yet."

Zhou Ping took a sip of tea: "fortunately, I did mosaic, otherwise it would be a shame."

Two days have passed since he Zhaowen was settled.

In these two days, Zhou Ping spent most of her time sleeping and resting.

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