You Are My Gravity

Chapter 708

Most of the photos were taken two years ago. The young girl's face was full of panic, her cheeks were full of tears, and her eyes were full of despair.

They should have been angels, they were all flowers waiting to bloom.

However, they did not think that their most respected teacher would tear up the pure world and bring them a nightmare that could not disappear for a lifetime.

The time and name are written on the back of the photo.

There are also some letters, some very disgusting and ugly letters from Miss Li to female students.

Looking at the pictures of the girls being devastated, people on the scene gnashed their teeth.

"Damn, this son of a bitch, he really should be castrated, so that he can't be humane all his life..."

"This kind of person is really four or 100 words, even can be in the good teacher team for so many years, no one has ever found it?"

"I really want to chop that son of a bitch..."

The crowd began to scold.

"Call Mr. Jing immediately to see if we should call the police immediately or collect all the evidence first!"

The speaker called Gu Jingyuan.

After Gu Jingyuan heard the news, he asked them to take some photos and letters and send them to him. Then he quickly called the police and sent the photos and letters to the director of the Education Bureau. He personally reported teacher Li's indecent assault on female students to the Education Bureau under his real name.

Gu Jingyuan always works very fast. Now that he has confirmed the fact of his crime, he should not be allowed to pollute the profession of "teacher".

Gu Jingyuan's people found another computer in the room.

"There's another computer. Shall we turn it on?"

Several people looked at each other, and finally agreed: "open..."

One of them sighed: "I hope there is something in it and I hope No more victims. "

In fact, this is what each of them hopes for.

Find more evidence, so that the court sentence will be more serious in the future, but If there are more victims, then It will be a very, very sad thing!

The computer has a password. They find Zhou Meng directly.

Zhou Meng easily cracked the computer password, and then found more photos from an encrypted file, and Video!

Wang Xiaowen is not the first victim of Teacher Li. Before her, there are other poor girls.

They sent Gu Jingyuan all the photos and videos in the computer.

Gu Jingyuan's face was very gloomy when he saw those things. He didn't think he was such a good person. However, as a person, there are some bottom lines in the world that can't be broken by any means.

If you break the bottom line, even people are not.

Gu Jingyuan sent photos and videos to Qin SE's mobile phone.

And told her that he had called the police.

After looking at the photo, Qin se bit his teeth and said, "MD, it's really him Evidence has been found. Wang Xiaowen is not the first victim. That beast has violated many girls. Today His retribution has finally come. Jing Yuan has already called the police. I believe that he will catch that guy soon... "

All the people present were relieved, but at the same time, they felt nervous.

I was relieved because I finally found the beast, but But I was worried about the news. , the fastest update of the webnovel!