You Are My Gravity

Chapter 703

He Zhaowen's face was angry: "if you let me know who that person is, I will kill him..."

He Zhaowen was really angry. In fact, he resented the woman and the guy who went to make an appointment in his name.

Damn, it's this son of a bitch who killed that woman. As a result, she thought it was herself and came to seek revenge.

But in this lawsuit, he is the most pitiful one, OK?

What did he do wrong? He didn't do anything, that is to say a wrong word, just

Qin SE's eyes look at the doll. That little guy, from the beginning of crazy twisting, with he Zhaowen's phone call, has the meaning of slowly calming down.

Qin se finally had some expectations in her heart. Does that mean that she hopes to smoothly resolve her resentment.

Huo Tianen has been unable to support a butt sitting on the ground, he is now afraid, cold, unable to carry squatting on the ground.

But it's cooler on the ground. I can't feel it when I do it.

But he couldn't get up either. He didn't have any strength in his legs.

He really wanted to ask Qin se, are they really unable to get out of here?

What if he can't get out of here? He's still young and unmarried? Not even a child!

Qin SE's eyes were fixed on he Zhaowen. She felt that he Zhaowen was the key to solve the problem.

After all, it started with him and should end with him.

After hesitating, he said, "I remember your name, Wang Xiaowen Is that right? "

As he said the three words, he Zhaowen's eyes darkened. At that moment, he felt as if something had poured into his body. It was a very strange feeling, which had never happened before.

It seems that there is one more person in his body. He feels crowded and cold. His head aches like a needle. He pokes, aches and suffers

One cold, one hot, all over the pain began to sweat, the body should be shaking, but as if stiff in general, will not move.

Zhou Ping took out three sticks of incense and lit them in the censer in front of her.

She looked at he Zhaowen with a clear face and dull eyes, and said, "what do you want? If you can't tell what happened to you, let her know all about it and let him go through it all over again..."

Qin se thought, this is Is he Zhaowen Is

Huo Tianen raised his hand tremblingly and pulled Qin se. He wanted to ask what was the matter, but he was scared to shut up by Qin SE's cold eyes.

He tried to move his butt to Qin se.

Qin se took a look at Qiuchi. He closed his eyes and looked very serious.

Zhou Ping's eyes look at he Zhaowen. As time goes by, the temperature is still chilly and has not improved at all.

He Zhaowen's face was white and green for a while. Suddenly, it was still black in his eyes. His eyes seemed to have lost their focus. He was as stupid as a fool.

About half an hour later.

He Zhaowen suddenly fell to the ground, eyes closed, as if dead.

Qin se was scared and ran up: "Mom What's going on? What's the matter? He He Is nothing wrong? "

Zhou Ping didn't speak. She bent down and patted he Zhaowen on the face.

He didn't move. With a sigh, Zhou Ping took out a bottle, pulled out the plug, and poured the chicken blood on he Zhaowen's face. , the fastest update of the webnovel!