You Are My Gravity

Chapter 701

Everyone was shocked to see Xiang Qiuchi. After Zhou Ping started to do things, he just sat there and said nothing.

This suddenly a mouth, as if by what control.

He Zhaowen and Huo Tianen shiver for a moment. My mother, is it the female ghost who speaks her mind through the mouth of Qiuchi?

Zhou Ping has no such idea. If she is attached to Qiuchi, she will not be so rational, and Xiang Qiuchi, who has a heavy burden of killing, will not be possessed.

But Perhaps just now, to akichi body in the eyes of the array, perhaps, just saw something.

He Zhaowen pointed to Xiang Qiuchi: "you You I don't know... "

He turned to Qiuchi and looked coldly: "mirror..."


To akichi: "I just saw her in the mirror, she told me."

He Zhaowen was surprised: "then we Why not... "

Then he shook his head: "no, I'd better not see it..."

He Zhaowen thinks that he'd better not see anything, otherwise, even if he survives in the future, he will still have a shadow.

Qin SE's mouth watering is probably because he Zhaowen is an array eye, so the place where he sits has the most Yin Qi.

However, that female ghost is also pitiful. I really don't know who did such immoral things in those years.

Qin se whispered to Zhou Ping: "Mom, now is the time. Let's find out who raped her and let the man be punished. Only in this way can we dispel her resentment, right?"

Zhou Ping nodded: "this is it..."

He Zhaowen said: "but after so many years, who knows? How can we find out what happened in those years? This It's just too hard to be human Did she I don't know who it was... "

Then he lost his voice, because he suddenly felt that his neck seemed a little cold,

he swallowed his mouth and did not dare to say anything else.

He looked at Zhou Ping and prayed for her.

Zhou Ping didn't say anything. He Zhaowen was right when she was thinking about it. It's really not easy to find out what happened a few years ago.

But they can't get out without checking.

Now, the fastest way is to get first-hand information from the ghost, but it is not easy for her to re open her heaviest and most unforgettable memory.

But I can't do it without trying.

Zhou Ping said to akichi, "I'll recruit again. If you can communicate with her, ask as much as possible about that night, even if it's a clue Otherwise, we don't have any clue. "

Nodding to Qiuchi: "OK, I see I'll do my best! "

Just for another moment, Xiang Qiuchi's eyes were all black, as if there were illusions. The head and feet turned around, and the head was rotten. The bitter cry of the female ghost seemed to be still ringing in her ears.

When everything in front of her recovered, Xiang Qiuchi saw her again in the mirror at the door.

She screamed in the mirror, as if trapped.

Zhou Ping asked Qin se to stand away, "do you still have the talisman on you?"

Qin se nodded: "well There's another one! I'm fine, mom. Don't worry. It's you Is it really OK? "

Zhou Ping shakes his head. I can't say anything now. Besides, I can't stop , the fastest update of the webnovel!