You Are My Gravity

Chapter 599

Gu Jingyuan also felt that something was wrong after listening. Zhen bao'er was so concerned about Gu Zhixin that he would never have been in such a long time all of a sudden. There was no news. Maybe something really happened.

He was worried, but his face was still calm. He comforted Qin Se and said, "I know. I'll send someone to her rental house to have a look. Then I'll send someone to look around the rental house. Maybe she has other things to delay. Don't worry too much."

Qin se nodded: "I hope she is really delayed by other things, but don't have an accident!"

Gu Jingyuan rubbed the top of Qin SE's hair: "with me, even if something really happened, I would not watch it."

"Then you hurry to ask someone to look for you. I'll go to see my mother. She said she was sleepy after lunch and wanted to sleep. However, she's been sleeping all afternoon. She shouldn't be awake until now. I knocked at the door for dinner and she didn't get up."

"Go ahead."

Qin se got up and said, "by the way, let mom do a divination for bao'er to see if she is in danger recently."

She came to the door of Zhou Ping's room, raised her hand and knocked on the door: "Mom..."

No one responded. Qin SE's strength of knocking on the door increased, and his voice also raised: "Mom Are you awake? You've been sleeping all afternoon. Are you all right? You've eaten your dinner

But there was no response in the room.

Qin se was even more flustered. She felt that her mother's spirit didn't seem so good long after she came back from the mall in the morning.

Lunch is a little wilted, did not eat much back to the room to rest.

In the afternoon, Qin se was not at ease and went in to have a look.

Zhou Ping's sleep was very good. She didn't have a fever. She didn't look sick.

Qin se thought that she might be tired and come out without much thought.

But did you sleep a little too long?

Qin se was afraid to clap the door more loudly: "Mom, I went in..."

Still no one responded, Qin se simply opened the door and burst in.

In the room, Zhou Ping lay quietly on the bed, closed her eyes and breathed steadily. She still kept the same posture as Qin se came in last time!

Qin SE's heart thumped a little fast, inexplicably began to panic.

She went to the bed, reached out and gave it a little push.

Shout: "Mom..."

However, Zhou Ping's body shook with Qin SE's action. Her people didn't have any reaction, and her eyelids didn't blink.

If it wasn't for that, Zhou Ping's breathing was very stable and normal. Qin sezhen thought that Zhou Ping had gone!

Qin se was even more frightened. She reached out and pushed Zhou Ping hard: "Mom, wake up Mom, you haven't had dinner yet, mom Will you go on sleeping after dinner? Will you wake up first? "

But Zhou Ping still didn't wake up.

No matter how silly Qin se was, the situation was obviously wrong!

Something must have happened.

Qin se grabbed Zhou Ping's arm and shook it hard, shouting: "Mom, mom You wake up, you wake up quickly Mom, what's the matter with you, mom... "

Gu Jingyuan finished the call and came out of the room to hear Qin se crying.

Startled, he walked into Zhou Ping's room on crutches.

"What's the matter?"

Seeing Gu Jingyuan as if he had found a straw, Qin se grabbed him by the arm and cried, "Jingyuan, ma There's something wrong with my mother. I can't wake up... "


today's Chapter 4, I want to take a nap Wake up and go on! , the fastest update of the webnovel!