You Are My Gravity

Chapter 594

Tian Jinzhi's face was full of sweat and tears: "I I'm not forced by you. If you can be obedient, will I be like this? It's all your fault, it's all because of you

Zhen bao'er laughs sarcastically: "yes, in your eyes, as long as I don't follow what you say, it's wrong. In this case, OK, you can jump. When you jump down, tomorrow, no, maybe not tomorrow, there will be news. In order to coerce your daughter to help you finish an impossible thing, you jump down from upstairs. Do you believe it? At that time, no one will sympathize with you, and they will pick out Jinbao. From now on, when someone mentions Jinbao, the first thing people think of is, oh, he has a mother who spoiled him into a fool... "

"Your wishful thinking and great efforts won't attract sympathy from others. This is not a society where you are weak and you are reasonable. Nowadays people have the ability to distinguish right from wrong. Mom, don't let your favorite son get into trouble, OK?"

Zhen bao'er's words stunned Tian Jinzhi.

Zhen Jinbao said quickly: "Mom, you come down quickly. You can't help me like this. You are hurting me. I didn't know anything before, but now I won't Now that program is almost over, how could I get in, let alone You look at my conditions, you ask yourself, can I be an idol? Mom, you're just cutting off my future

Zhen bao'er was a little surprised. Unexpectedly, Zhen Jinbao would say such reasonable words.

Tian Jinzhi burst into tears: "but However, my mother has no knowledge or ability, but she still wants to help you... "

Zhen Jinbao nodded: "come down quickly, mom. If you want to help me, come back and go home quickly. I'm fine now. I really have that ability in the future. I don't need to ask others. Maybe I can become a star, mom You come down quickly, and you can see that there are people taking photos with mobile phones below... "

Finally, Tian Jinzhi came down.

Zhen bao'er, while she was crying and hesitating, rushed up with an arrow and pulled the man down!

She and Zhen Jinbao were relieved at the same time.

Tian Jinzhi keeps Zhen Jinbao and wails. He still repeats what he said before, saying that he has no ability and can't give Zhen Jinbao a better life.

Scold Zhen bao'er have no conscience, why Qin se all can get close to so rich man, she is so beautiful, but can't use, also found a fool.

Zhen bao'er is not angry.

"Mom, can you stop taking colored glasses to see Qin se? Yes, her current boyfriend does have money, but I... "

Zhen bao'er wants to say that mine is not bad, OK?

But she held back.

"However, the real love between him and Qin se is not because of money. So am I. in your eyes, Gu Zhixin is a fool, but in my eyes, that's the man I love very much. Everyone has his own destination, so do I

Zhen bao'er finally said a soft word: "Mom, don't look for life and death again. Jinbao is growing up now. It's very good. You used to waste people's supplies. Now that he has the potential to improve, don't stop him. You can go back safely. I won't help him in money, but I can guarantee that he won't have an accident."


this is the ninth chapter today. I'll write another one and make up 10 chapters , the fastest update of the webnovel!