You Are My Gravity

Chapter 592

Zhen Jinbao is not ugly. If you look at Zhen Baoer and their elder sister, you will know that he will not be ugly.

It's just too fat. I can't see my face.

If later slowly thin down, presumably not too ugly!

Zhen bao'er is more or less gratified to hear what Zhen Jinbao said.

At least her brother is not hopeless.

As for her mother, I'd better get rid of her early.

As Zhen bao'er was about to move on, Tian Jinzhi was crying and scolding again: "don't listen to bao'er's dead girl's nonsense. She's all jealous of her mother's love for you. She's a dead girl with black heart and rotten lung I took pains to bring up your sister and brother. I suffered so much for you. I don't expect my children to be filial. When I get old and enjoy happiness, I want them to help you. But as a result, she has a good life, but she treats us like an enemy... "

"If I had known that, I might as well have lost her!"

Zhen bao'er stands behind Tian Jinzhi and listens to her saying these things. She doesn't know what it's like.

She's sad, she'll still hurt.


Now she is not as concerned as before.

Because, let her be loved!

Zhen Jinbao looks at Zhen bao'er coming from behind. Her eyes twinkle and she doesn't look at her.

Zhen bao'er went to Tian Jinzhi and said, "it's a pity, Ma. But you didn't lose it at the beginning, and now it's not impossible. Look, do you want to try to lose me?"

Don't get up in the field, the sharp and harsh voice of the Golden branch, Zhen bao'er's voice is relatively calm, it doesn't seem like a daughter's words.

Tian Jinzhi was startled and turned to see Zhen bao'er standing behind her.

"Smelly girl, you want to scare me to death, don't you?"

Zhen bao'er's face remained unchanged: "although you don't regard me as your own daughter, but I didn't mean to scare you to death


Looking at Zhen bao'er, Tian Jinzhi feels guilty!

Zhen bao'er calmed down and said, "since mom is going to leave, hurry up, or it will be dark when you get home!"


Of course, Tian Jinzhi wants to leave quickly, but if her son doesn't leave, she is worried after all.

Moreover, the daughter is obviously unwilling to help her son.

Tian Jinzhi remembers that the purpose of her and her son's coming to Kyoto has not been completed, so she can't help but say.

"Honey, promise me one thing. If you don't promise me, I won't go."

This threat has no use at all for Zhen bao'er: "you can't go. Anyway, if you don't go, there will be no loss for me."

"You heartless girl, good Since you are so ruthless, don't blame me... "

Tian Jinzhi suddenly rushed into the room, pushed open the window and sat on the windowsill. She said, "honey, you must promise me that when I leave, you will take good care of your brother, and You have to find Qin Se and ask her to help you get your brother into the program Qin Zheng participated in. Your brother is much better than Qin Zheng. How can he become a star? "

Tian Jinzhi's first request is normal, but the second one, Zhen Baoer really thinks, is there a hole in her mind?

Although Zhen bao'er was startled by Tian Jinzhi's action, he still couldn't help asking, "Mom, are you crazy?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!