You Are My Gravity

Chapter 586

In Zhou Ping's mind, she always feels that something is wrong. She was surrounded by those people just now. Did someone plan ahead of time?

If it is

What are they going to do?

Zhou Ping was puzzled.

The other side seems to be deliberately provocative, but Zhou Ping has not offended the other side!

Zhou Ping suddenly stops.

Xu Mu was surprised: "what's the matter?"

Zhou Ping took out her mobile phone, picked out he Zhaowen's wechat and sent a voice chat directly.

Xu Mu looked around and saw the three words "he Zhaowen".

Xu Mu felt that he was in a bad mood. ,

Zhou Ping stops to call a man to One Man!

Is he Zhaowen the man Zhou Ping met before?

What does Xu Mu want to hear from them?

"Master, have you found anything?"

"You let Huo Tianen take it. I have something to ask her."

Xu Mu frowns, Huo Tianen?

"Master, master, I'm Tianen. What can I do for you?"

Zhou Ping immediately asked: "last time, the woman who almost didn't fill the void was in a very good shape, about 1.65 meters, with C in her chest Cup and a mole on the right side of her lip corner?"

Huo Tianen was stunned for a moment, and then said: "yes, master, how do you know. That woman is just like Zhang. You You are so powerful. You can figure it out. "

Zhou Ping rolled her eyes very speechless.

"I just saw a woman with your breath on her. I guess it's her."

After she finished, Huo Tianen gave a pause, and then came a scream.

"No No, master, help Master Help, please I don't want to be sucked up by that goblin... "

Zhou Ping hung up impatiently.

Turning his head, he bumped into Xu Mu: "what are you doing?"

Xu Mu hugged her and said, "what's the matter with you? Is it OK?"

Zhou Ping struggled: "I'm not so good, but you. Can you let go?"

Xu Mu hugged him more tightly, but he didn't want to say: "honey, don't move, let me hold you."

Zhou Ping's old face is red. When she was young, she was not called babe. When she was old, she was so ashamed that she was so ashamed.

"You Shameless, you're addicted, aren't you? "

Xu Mu came up to her ear and whispered, "no, don't you find that there are paparazzi..."

As expected, Zhou Ping saw a reporter behind him shooting with a camera, "you Then you can't... "

Xu Mu winked at her: "just a moment, let them take two pictures, I'll let go right away!"

Zhou Ping twisted on the back of his hand: "it's time to clap, let go!"

Xu Mu reluctantly let go of Zhou Ping, holding her and going on.

But suddenly Zhou Ping stretched out her hand and twisted Xu Mu's ear.

She gave a fake smile: "don't you want to be intimate? I'll let them do something closer. "

On hearing this, Xu Mu immediately lowered his head and put his ear in front of Zhou Ping: "so you want to play with your ears. Why didn't you tell me earlier? Come Pinch it

Zhou Ping gritted her teeth. She couldn't help it, and her face turned red again.

She is a person of this age, even like a little girl, she is always blushed by Xu mu.

Really angry!

How can this man be shameless?

Zhou Ping stretched out her hand and pushed Xu Mu's head away: "go along..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!