You Are My Gravity

Chapter 580

"Yes, I am also very strange! I don't know what's going on. I always have a psychological shadow on women, so sometimes I feel like I like a girl, and I dare not really approach her! "

He Zhaowen's answer is very hard!

In his heart, there is more than one man who is not close to a woman, but his body tells him that his mental illness has not been cured, so

He really didn't dare to touch a woman's hand!

So this romantic debt is really inexplicable!

He Zhaowen couldn't help whispering, "big Master, you Are you wrong? Do you want to look at it again... "

Zhou Ping took a serious look at the person for a while: "you have peach blossom powder in the corner of your eyes, blue and black in the center of your eyebrows, and your eyes seem to be affectionate. I really can't see what other things you have except peach blossom sha..."

"But I I really didn't... " He Zhaowen is anxious to cry!

Zhou Ping was a little puzzled. Was she wrong?

Although she didn't make many mistakes, but Once in a while, I met some strange things!

Zhou Ping's face is still an enigmatic expression!

"Tell me, what strange things have happened to you recently? Be more detailed! "

Zhou Ping feels that this time things will be more complicated than before!

So, want to know more clearly!

"No, I haven't met anything..."

He Zhaowen shook his head!

Huo Tianen quickly poked him: "why not, you forget, every night recently..."

"How about the evening?" Zhou Ping asked!

He Zhaowen said: "if those can count, it's really weird. Ten days ago, I suddenly started to have nightmares as soon as I closed my eyes at night. After waking up, I felt the thump on the ceiling. At first, I thought I was under too much pressure, but every night for several consecutive days, I had the same nightmares. After waking up every day, I lost my head There will be a thumping sound from the top. I I'm scared... "

"I I went upstairs to have a look. There are no residents in the upstairs. The owner of the house is in a foreign country, and the house is not rented out... "

Huo Tianen said these days his experience, the body some trembles!

The face also turns white gradually!

"I Later, I changed my house, but It's still at night. As soon as I close my eyes, I will repeat the same nightmare. When I wake up, I can still hear the sound. It seems that no matter where I hide, it's useless! "

He Zhaowen is afraid to sleep now. He is worried that if he continues to do so, he will soon

He'll break down!

"Well What's the content of that? " Asked Zhou Ping!

He Zhaowen swallowed and said, "just close your eyes Will dream of a woman, should not be said to be a woman's entity The head, joints, were all out of shape, bloody, but But it can still wriggle to get up And then Then, he chased me all the time... "

Zhou Ping looked at he Zhaowen. He was dark and his eyebrows were dim.

It's really something that's not clean.

She said, "do you know this woman?"

He Zhaowen shook his head: "no, I really don't know!"

Zhou Ping said faintly: "everything has cause and effect. You must know it. Otherwise, it won't bother you. If you can't think of it, I can't help you!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!