You Are My Gravity

Chapter 575

Sweating constantly on the forehead, the whole person seems to be about to collapse.

Tian Jinzhi continued to catch up and stammered, "then So, am I Is it OK as long as I go home? "

"If you want to save your life, you can only go home. In addition, don't say I didn't tell you. If you don't go back, you should be careful of the instability of your house!"

Zhou Ping never stops walking in her high-heeled shoes. All the way, she seems to walk with wind

Tian Jinzhi was stunned for a moment. Is the house unstable?

What do you mean?

Is it true?

Tian Jinzhi's heart thumped for a moment, and then quickly caught up with him: "Zhou Ping, please make it clear, what's the matter, please make it clear You tell me, please, please... "

Zhou Ping looks at a face of fear, a change just attitude, beg her Tian Jinzhi.

I sighed in my heart. I feel that such a woman is really pitiful and hateful!

Zhou Ping drags Tian Jinzhi to the window of a clothing store. She can see their figures through the glass.

Zhou Ping said, "do you see yourself?"

Tian Jinzhi thought that Zhou Ping wanted to humiliate her: "what are you doing? You are richer than I look at you now, and more beautiful than I look at you..."

"Who let you see me, you see yourself!" Zhou Ping impatiently interrupted her!

Tian Jinzhi was stunned: "myself? What's wrong with me? "

Zhou Ping rolled her eyes: "what's the matter with you? Can't you see that you've covered yourself with green clouds? "

If a woman doesn't manage herself well, doesn't cherish herself well, doesn't treat her time as time, doesn't treat herself as a person, she will always live in the fear of being dominated!

Just like now, Zhou Ping can understand how scared Tian Jinzhi is!

People who have been married for so many years!

All the energy, all the things are put at home, all on the son.

As a result, people in middle age, but

He was in a family crisis.

Zhou Ping sighs in her heart that she didn't cheat Tian Jinzhi this time. Her husband really has a third son outside. In fact, before she came to Kyoto, Zhou Ping knew that she had talked to Tian Jinzhi tactfully earlier, but the other side didn't like it.

Zhou Ping did not directly explain it, because she knew Tian Jinzhi's character!

But today is an opportunity. If you want to talk about it, just say it together.

Let Tian Jinzhi go home by himself and deal with the family affairs well.

Also to her son to leave out a can not be dragged down the transformation of space!

"Think about it carefully. If you stay in Kyoto, you will not only lose your life, but also lose your home."

Looking at the dejected Tian Jinzhi, Zhou Ping sighed, took out 500 yuan from her pocket and stuffed it into Tian Jinzhi's pocket!

Then he left!

Zhou Ping's heart is a little heavy, and she gets on the walking elevator!

All of a sudden, next to the elevator, there are two young people, suddenly turned to run down.

While running, he cried excitedly: "master, master It's really you

Zhou Ping glanced at him: "Oh, still alive!"

Next door all the way down, is not director Huo's little son, Huo Tianen!

"Master, I dare not touch a woman's hand these days, master..."

"Oh..." Zhou Ping had a look at him. He looked like a pretty young man: "it's a man's hand


after waking up, I didn't eat, so I quickly wrote three chapters Girls, I'm going to have dinner first. Ouch The current state, navigation for one hour, walk for five minutes , the fastest update of the webnovel!