You Are My Gravity

Chapter 572

Zhou Ping opened her mouth and looked mean and sour. In a word, how can she hate it.

Tian Jinzhi, who is handing out leaflets, is stunned. She has never been a reasonable person. She just wants to scold, but when she looks up and sees the other party's clothes, she immediately withers. She bends down and picks up the bag on the ground: "I'm sorry..."

She didn't recognize Zhou Ping at all. "I didn't mean to. I'm sorry..."

"I'm sorry. Is that useful? There are only three in the world You've got me dirty now. Where can I get another one You... "

Zhou Ping deliberately made an aggressive appearance. She said that Tian Jinzhi was trembling. Then she suddenly stopped, hesitated and said, "ah Jinzhi? Why are you

Tian Jinzhi is stunned. Does this rich lady know her?

Tian Jinzhi raised his head: "you are..."

"I, Zhou Ping, don't you know me?"

"What? Zhou Ping

Tian Jinzhi's voice couldn't help being amplified.

I can't believe looking at the rich woman in front of me. She looks like a rich lady.

She rubbed her eyes and looked carefully.

Finally, I have to admit that this woman, who looks like she is in her thirties, is really Zhou Ping!

Tian Jinzhi's impression of Zhou Ping is that she was before she came to Kyoto. Although Zhou Ping was also very good-looking, her figure did not change because of her age.

But they don't dress much better than them. They look like ordinary women, but now Zhou Ping, my God It was like a completely different person. She didn't recognize it just now.

For a moment, in addition to shock, Tian Jinzhi's heart was filled with all kinds of jealousy, all kinds of envy, all kinds of acid

Look at Zhou Ping and look at himself. Tian Jinzhi's eyes are almost red with envy.

After all, Tian Jinzhi always felt that Zhou Ping was not as good as her.

She looks down on Zhou Ping.

But now, her daughter has found a rich man, and her mother-in-law has changed into a rich lady. She is thousands of miles away from herself. Now, she is handing out leaflets here. It seems that Zhou Ping is quite short?.

Tian Jinzhi even has an impulse to run away!

even if she is jealous now, she wants to take off all the clothes and jewelry on Zhou Ping, and then trample her on the ground?.

However, looking at Zhou Ping's present appearance, Tian Jinzhi is afraid, because she really can't afford to pay for it!

"I... I have something else to do, so I'll go first!"

"what's going on? We're all villagers here. You don't know how to have a good chat. Shanshan and my son-in-law are nervous all day and refuse to let me do anything I want to go shopping for me. I can't even walk out of the door. I have to let the driver drive me. I feel like I'm going to give up. Today I can't afford to find a chance to go out for a walk. I didn't expect to meet you. It's really not big in Kyoto! "

Of course, Zhou Ping is holding Tian Jinzhi to keep her from going!

what is she doing here today? That is, she must act like a bully. She can act like a bully as much as she can, and she can be annoying as much as she can!

In a word, we should let Tian Jinzhi go!

Tian Jinzhi trembles with anger. People come and go around her. She and Zhou Ping stand together, just like a servant and his wife!

"You Don't show off in front of me. It's not because your daughter doesn't have the face to run to a rich man that you have today... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!