You Are My Gravity

Chapter 560

Director Zheng originally thought that Qin Zheng's mother and sister's request for mosaic might be because they are not so confident about their appearance.

However, after seeing it today, I knew that it was not good-looking. It was already very good-looking. There was no one in my family who was behind.

Zhou Ping shook her head: "thank you, director Zheng, but it's not necessary. We'd better stick to it and help to put on the mosaic later on..."

"This It's really a pity! "

Director Zheng is still very sorry!

Zhou Ping smiles and doesn't intend to change her mind.

She doesn't want to be pointed out and yelled: Oh, this is Qin Zheng, his mother!

"What do interviews ask?"

"Nothing, just some simple questions, and what you two said to Qin Zheng..."

Zhou Ping nodded and thought for a moment: "Oh For Qin Zheng, this It seems not. "

Director Zheng

"Mother Qin Zheng, you are really a humorous person."

Director Zheng has been to other players' homes before. All the parents and relatives have many words. However, when he came to Zhou Ping, he didn't

Director Zheng thinks of what Qin Zheng always says. If he goes home, his mother won't let him in.

Before that, I thought it might be the routine of Qin Zheng.

Now look It could be true!

Qin se changed her clothes, but she didn't have makeup on her face. She thought, anyway, if she wants to make a mosaic later, the makeup on her face is useless.

Before the interview, Zhou Ping found the most common place in her home. He didn't want others to look at the luxurious house and think Qin Zheng was rich after the shooting.

After sitting down, Zhou Ping asked, "can we start?"

Director Zheng nodded: "OK..."

After power on, the camera is aimed at Qin Se and Zhou Ping.

"Don't be nervous, both of you. They are very simple questions, which have been shown to you just now."

The director took some of the questions he had prepared and asked them, "excuse me, what kind of person was Qin Zheng before the show?"

Qin Se and Zhou Ping look at each other, and they think about it.

Qin said: "before That's what he said. He's a middle school No.2 waste boy. He has nothing Well, that's it... "


"Well How much did you expect Qin Zheng to participate in this program? "

Zhou Ping said: "I didn't expect him. He used to be very noisy, which made people feel uneasy all day long. After he went to your show, my ears are clean. It's good. As for expectation, I thought he couldn't do anything. The first phase should be eliminated. I didn't expect This So far, it's a bit of a surprise. "

The director laughed twice

I feel that the interview is going to collapse.

"Do you often watch our programs?"

Qin se nodded: "look, of course, I want to see it. Although Qin Zheng's performance is not good, other children's performance is still very good, especially Chen Mo who is in the same bedroom with him I really like it... "

Zhou Ping pinches Qin se.

Qin se quickly shut up: "that I think Qin Zheng has really made progress recently. It's very good, very good... "

The director couldn't help clearing his throat and didn't laugh.

"Qin Zheng always says that if he goes home, you two won't let him in. This is Really? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!